Apollo provides you with long-term benefits: the milking process becomes faster, easier and more efficient while working processes are standardized.
This first‑of‑its‑kind product incorporates patented technology to automatically apply post‑dip, through the head of the liner at the end of milking, and automatically backflush after detach – facilitating a superior milk harvesting process every time the cow enters the parlor.
The flexibility of the ApolloMilkSystem allows it to be implemented in a variety of milking systems – whether rotary, side‑by‑side or herringbone parlor. The unique liner connection allows the cluster to hang straighter, optimizing milking geometry and udder confirmation.
The ApolloMilkSystem applies post‑dip to each teat while the teat is still under vacuum and stretched out in the liner, optimally covering the teat surface with dip and sanitizing the area before it is exposed to the external environment. This method allows the dip to penetrate into all of the folds and wrinkles of the teats, further enhancing the mastitis prevention benefits of post‑dipping. The amount of dip applied is also accurately controlled. This can reduce the total amount of dip used when compared to other methods. And, it ensures the dip that is applied is always fresh and free from contamination.
Post‑dipping cows after milking prevents bacterial infections and helps maintain udder health. The ApolloMilkSystem ensures that cows are dipped completely and consistently at every milking.
After the consistent and reliable post‑dipping of each cow, every milking unit on the ApolloMilkSystem is automatically backflushed with a sanitizing solution after unit removal. Alternating water and sanitizing cycles with bursts of air creates powerful turbulence inside the teat cups and bowl of the milking unit, which greatly reduces the total amount of water required to effectively backflush; especially when compared to older, traditional backflush technology.
Backflushing reduces the risk of mastitis-causing bacteria being transferred between cows and can also reduce the risk of subclinical mastitis, thereby improving overall milk quality and the mammary system health of your herd.
The milking unit is sub‑divided into four separate guide chambers that channel the milk toward the outlet. This means milk is transferred quickly from the unit, even at higher flow rates. The integrated automatic vacuum shut‑off decreases milking vacuum fluctuations and keeps dirt from being sucked into the milking system.
Apart from that, the milk never comes into contact with the cleaning agents. A smart valve technology separates the milk and the sanitizing media carefully from each other. This way it is guaranteed that water, dip and disinfectant will never come in contact with the tank milk.
With the ApolloMilkSystem…
The results provide you with:
The Global 90i Side-by-Side milking parlor from GEA is setting the standards for comfort and convenience, for cows and milkers alike!
A proven performer becomes even better:
Higher temperatures, an enhanced capacity range, best-in-class efficiencies, increased sustainability at lower total costs – the new GEA RedGenium heat pump has it all.
A low and stable vacuum at the proper level to the teat is very important! GEA advanced technology is designed for animal-friendly milking with high milking yield.
The EGO lifting floor from GEA is a height-adjustable working area. By adjusting the working height, you relieve strain on your muscles and joints and make working on the milking parlor much easier.
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Climate change and a growing world population put increased pressure on the energy-intensive food industry to feed more people without further impacting the planet. George Shepherd, GEA’s Global Technical Sustainability Manager, explains how GEA uses its engineering know-how to help processors produce more sustainably yet increase productivity.