Whether pneumatic or electronic, with or without stimulating pulsator and automatic cluster removal - the pulsation rate must be right. Good pulsation technology increases milk production and ensures better health of udders.
AutoPuls Apex M was developed as a single pulsator for the use with milk control units. You can adapt pulse rate and pulse ratio easily to different breeds or installations, without the necessity to change parts. The electronic impulse solenoids provide always accurate pulses.
Your benefits at a glance:
AutoPuls Apex P can be used as a single pulsator. Pulsation rate and ratio can be adapted easily to suit different breeds or installations without the necessity to change parts. The electronic impulse solenoids give always accurate pulses. AutoPuls Apex P controls the pulsator functions independently.
Your benefits at a glance:
With AutoPuls Apex Z pulsators you receive centrally controlled single or double pulsation at the milking place. The time-shift function of the central control unit CentralPuls gives this system the characteristics and benefits of individual pulsation.
Your benefits at a glance:
Initial stimulation just like your best operator. With the StimoPuls Apex P electronic pulsators you can look after each animal individually depending on lactation phase. With electronic stimulation the milk yield per cow can be increased and at the same time you can save one manual work step. StimoPuls Apex P cares for animal-friendly stimulation at a rate of 300 pulses per minute.
Your benefits at a glance:
The Constant Pulsator is a solid and reliable pneumatic pulsator. Hundreds of thousands have been sold globally. Its' sturdy and simple design makes it a good choice for all types of installations: bucket milkers, stanchion barns or milking parlors.
Your benefits at a glance:
The electrically controlled CentralPuls Apex ensures precise pulsation and a gentle and animal-friendly milk removal. As a central brain CentralPuls Apex can control the pulsation for up to 32 milking places.
The system provides 4 different time shifted pulse periods for 4 groups of pulsators. Compared to the central control unit this function avoids the high peak flow vacuum obtained with simultaneous pulsation.
Your benefits at a glance:
Hand in hand for top milking performance: The pulsation system ProForm Control consists of the GEA ProForm pulsation control unit and a directly operating pulsator. Both together provide the best in milking performance for which the pulsation and milking technology of GEA is well known.
The ProForm pulsation control system is outstanding in terms of reliability, steady quality and a high milking comfort, even at a continuous load in 24-hour operations. The flexibility of the ProForm control unit allows you to set a wide range of pulse rates and pulse ratios.
Your benefits at a glance:
IQ's revolutionary four-way technology ensures that you always have maximum milk quality, quantity and udder health. Using it is incomparably easy! Easier attaching, milking and maintenance.
This first‑of‑its‑kind product incorporates patented technology to automatically apply post‑dip, through the head of the liner at the end of milking, and automatically backflush after detach – facilitating a superior milk harvesting process every time the cow enters the parlor.
The Classic 300 and Classic 300E milking clusters make milking both gentler and more efficient. Their modular design means that they can be adapted flexibly and easily to changing conditions.
Steady speed, fast cow flow, short milking times: the design of the AutoRotor PerFormer carousel provides high throughput with streamlined operations and reduced work required. With 24-80 milking stalls and flexible equipment options, the external rotary milking parlor offers individual solutions for dairy farms with two to three milking times pe...
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Climate change and a growing world population put increased pressure on the energy-intensive food industry to feed more people without further impacting the planet. George Shepherd, GEA’s Global Technical Sustainability Manager, explains how GEA uses its engineering know-how to help processors produce more sustainably yet increase productivity.