A thirst for sustainability

“For some plants in water-stressed geographies, the drive to cut water usage by a very ambitious percentage isn’t just about saving costs, it’s an essential goal that, if not achieved, may lead to plant closures.”Dr. Mark Schneeberger, Head of Application Development Beverages & Beer, GEA

Dr. Mark Schneeberger, Head of Application Development Beverages & Beer, GEA

It’s there, it’s possible: Using the GEA CO₂ recovery solution helps producers to reuse CO₂ from brewery or distillery fermentation instead of emitting it and secure supply for carbonization.

It’s there, it’s possible: Using the GEA CO₂ recovery solution helps producers to reuse CO₂ from brewery or distillery fermentation instead of emitting it and secure supply for carbonization.

“It’s important that we learn from and adapt and transfer the projects technologies and solutions applied successfully in one industry, to another.”Dr Stefan Pecoroni, Vice President Process Technology & Innovation Separation, GEA

Dr Stefan Pecoroni, Vice President Process Technology & Innovation Separation, GEA

How to tackle food waste efficiently is shown by Swedish company RSCUED. With innovative GEA vaculiq, they transform tons of surplus fruit and vegetables into premium juice every day.

How to tackle food waste efficiently is shown by Swedish company RSCUED. With innovative GEA vaculiq, they transform tons of surplus fruit and vegetables into premium juice every day.

GEA can keep just about all of its installed machines accessible, through a cloud connection, which gives us remote access to equipment 24/7. Together with Service Level Agreements, e.g. GEA Performance Plus, customers can choose a service package through which we carry out condition monitoring.

GEA can keep just about all of its installed machines accessible, through a cloud connection, which gives us remote access to equipment 24/7. Together with Service Level Agreements, e.g. GEA Performance Plus, customers can choose a service package through which we carry out condition monitoring.

Carbon neutral

Carbon neutral juice production; GEA and innocent inspire wider change.

Carbon neutral juices, the innocent way

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