Shelf-stable milk: conscientious convenience

Over-supply is a real challenge and can lead to operators having to dump large quantities of milk. When this happens, it’s not just the milk that is wasted – you also lose all the inputs that went into its production which includes feed, water, medicine, farm labor and machine costs.”- Ludger Tacke, Head of Product Engineering Management - Hygienic Processing, GEA

- Ludger Tacke, Head of Product Engineering Management - Hygienic Processing, GEA

 Shelf-stable milk: conscientious convenience

As we have seen all too recently, having access to non-perishable foods isn’t merely a luxury, it’s an absolute necessity.”- Ludger Tacke, Head of Product Engineering Management - Hygienic Processing, GEA

- Ludger Tacke, Head of Product Engineering Management - Hygienic Processing, GEA

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