Ingredientes lácteos

Ingredientes y complementos nutricionales importantes

membrane filtration
GEA Niro Whey2
Optimización de procesos con GEA OptiPartner


GEA OptiPartner

Instalaciones para pruebas con sustancias en polvo

Lactoferrina de leche para la nutrición y la salud

Trabajando con Arla Foods para producir mejores alimentos para la infancia

GEA customer story – GEA helps Arla producing highest quality infant nutrition ingredients.

 Man Making Shake After Exercise At Home

Making the most of micellar casein

Powder test facilities

Process expertise

We offer expertise and flexible technologies for skimming, filtration, heat treatment, separation and concentration, drying and packaging, so you can process just about any dairy ingredient and milk derivative with a focus on resource efficiency.

Spray dried lactoferrin powder from the Cremo site. Photo: STEMUTZ PHOTO

Product quality

Our technologies and tools are designed to let you process safe, top quality dairy-derived liquid ingredients, and free-flowing, easily dispersed powders that retain key nutritional and functional properties and precisely defined particle characteristics.

GEA test facilities for food ingredients, starch and protein

Test facilities

Experts at our test center can work with you to evaluate process feasibility and configure key equipment and end to end lines for new products, or for scaling up, optimizing and upgrading existing plants, and reducing environmental impact.


Membrane Filtration

The global dairy industry relies on our custom-designed cross flow membrane filtration systems, including nanofiltration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis systems. Why not ask how our software-based Smart Filtration CIP technology could nearly halve related energy consumption and cut water use.

Dairy ingredients precipitation


There’s seldom a one size fits all option when it comes to producing dairy-derived ingredients and functional components. We offer tank systems with dosing options for acid, rennet or enzymes, so you can more easily adapt and fine tune your processes for manufacturing casein, caseinates and hydrolyzed dairy proteins.

Heat treatment dairy ingredients

Heat treatment

We’ve designed a diverse range of hygienic, flexible, and user-friendly pasteurization and UHT systems for dairy processing, incorporating innovative technology that recovers and reuses heat energy to lower costs, minimize waste, and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

GEA separators for milk and whey skimming


GEA offers robust, reliable and flexible centrifugal separators and decanter centrifuges that are central to processing a diverse range of dairy ingredients. Our experts can help you select, configure and test the optimum technology for your products and applications.

Dairy evaporation dairy ingredients


We offer a complete range of evaporators for dairy processing, in parallel with heat pump and product recovery tech that could feasibly let you halve your plant’s energy consumption, cut CO2 emissions, reduce waste, and even improve product quality.

NIRO MSD spray drying chamber


GEA dairy spray dryers are recognized globally, and experts at our dedicated test center can give you advice, help you evaluate and fine tune our different models, and showcase how the latest GEA innovations could make your drying plant more planet friendly.

Powder Silos

Powder handling

From storage silos and powder feeding systems, to powder conveying, tipping stations, valves, magnets and other components, GEA has developed powder handling systems that won’t compromise the quality of your powdered ingredients and final dairy products.

GEA SmartFil M1 Powder Packing System

Powder packing

We provide automated packing lines for diverse food powder applications, enhancing cleanliness and product yield by reducing dust emissions. Our systems offer comprehensive control with PLC operation and optional remote connectivity. Solutions include bag filling, conditioning, and quality checking functionality.

Instalaciones para pruebas con sustancias en polvo

Más información

Working with Arla Foods to produce better food for our children

GEA helps Arla producing highest quality infant nutrition ingredients.


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GEA OptiPartner Performance Care

GEA Tech Talk on lactoferrin - A great whey to improve business

Implementation of GEA OptiPartner

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Pre2Fuel: Autorizado para despegar

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