Our cutting-edge technology from GEA ensures the highest standards in dry pasta quality, including homogeneous color, uniform shape, and perfect consistency. Beyond production, we prioritize environmental sustainability, safety, and efficiency. Explore our pioneering research and complete range of dry pasta processing equipment.
At GEA, innovation is not just a goal-it is our driving force. We continuously push the boundaries of technology, developing futuristic solutions and perfecting them to perfection revolutionizing the way dry pasta made and yielding higher quality products in less time. Our continuous research and the knowledge we have acquired over the years enables us to create cutting-edge processing lines with technological innovations that have become the new standard in industrial dry pasta production.
High-quality pasta stands as a testament to the fusion of tradition and innovation, meticulously crafted to meet the exacting standards of discerning consumers worldwide. A superior product boasts a uniform hue, consistent in shape, length, and thickness, ensuring visual appeal and structural integrity. Yet, its excellence transcends appearance, with the perfect balance of firmness and elasticity delivering a delightful culinary experience.
Versatility is key, as top-tier pasta seamlessly adapts to diverse consumption patterns, from dry dishes to soups, sauces, and salads. Behind these culinary marvels lie technological advancements that have become standard in the pasta production. Innovative drying techniques and precision engineering elevate even low-gluten or protein flours to yield exceptional end results. In this synthesis of traditional craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology, each strand of pasta embodies the essence of quality, satisfying the palates of consumers with unwavering excellence.
GEA Dies and Moulds Department studies and develops systems that cover all the shaping process phases in pasta and snack processing lines, including shaping, cutting, cleaning and maintenance of the dies.
Inserts play a central role in not only shaping the pasta but also influencing its coloring and overall appeal at the end of the process. GEA Extrusion Food Technologies provides an extensive selection of over 800 pasta formats to satisfy the most diverse market demands, offering also the possibility to create new inserts from scratch, for a personalized pasta and snacks shape. Our precision engineering lies at the heart of creating flawless pasta shapes, optimizing efficiency in your production process.
GEA Dies and Moulds Department studies and develops systems that cover all the shaping process phases in pasta and snack processing lines, including shaping, cutting, cleaning and maintenance of the dies. GEA provides equipment such as extrusion moulds, cutting systems and die washing machines.
GEA experience and know-how in pasta production is reflected in the study of packaging solutions aimed at improving the appeal of the final product. Our in-depth expertise in each stage of the dry pasta production chain enables us to provide packaging solutions that fully meet product, logistics, communication and branding needs. Our packages stand out for protection, containment, communication, practicality and convenience, logistics and environmental sustainability, ensuring added value to your pasta production.
GEA offers complete systems or individual machines for conveying, dosing, cleaning, recycling and storage of flour, grains and short pasta. Our advanced technology, applied to design and production, makes it possible to optimize a sophisticated production chain, ensuring high quality standards. This results in extremely reliable plants with consistently high performance.
Boost your dry pasta processing line with GEA's cutting-edge machinery designed to reach high standard of quality for you dry pasta products. Inside our brochure, you can find all the detailed specifications and performance metrics needed, guiding you towards optimal decision-making and enhanced productivity.
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Le Département Matrices et moules de GEA étudie et développe des systèmes qui couvrent toutes les étapes du procédé de formage des lignes de transformation de pâtes et snacks, y compris le formage proprement dit, la coupe, le nettoyage et la maintenance des moules. GEA fournit de nombreux équipements, notamment des moules d'extrusion, des système...
L’expérience de GEA et son savoir-faire technologique dans le domaine de la fabrication de pâtes permettent de créer des solutions de conditionnement visant à préserver la forme et les caractéristiques typiques des pâtes, en réduisant au minimum le risque d’endommager le produit.
GEA conçoit et réalise des lignes de fabrication automatisées clé-en-main complètes pour les pâtes sèches longues et courtes, les pâtes fraîches à simple ou double feuilles et les plats cuisinés. Travailler en étroite collaboration avec nos clients nous permet de développer des solutions sur mesure pour satisfaire tous leurs besoins.
GEA offre des systèmes complets ainsi que des machines autonomes pour transporter, doser, nettoyer, recycler et stocker la farine, le grain, les pâtes courtes, les aliments pour animaux familiers, les petits articles, le café, les confiseries et les pellets en plastique. L’exploitation de nos technologies de pointe lors de la conception et de la ...
Crafting pasta stories
Crafting Pasta Stories - Expertise and experience behind every project
Customer story: Pastificio Felicetti
Ce processus novateur signé GEA est une avancée de taille dans le prétraitement des biocarburants tels que les huiles végétales hydrotraitées et les carburants d’aviation durables. En éliminant le processus de blanchissement, les fabricants bénéficient d’économies potentielles substantielles : plus de 50 % de coûts d’exploitation en moins et jusqu’à 12 % d’émissions de CO<sub>2</sub> toujours en moins.
Le changement climatique et la croissance de la population mondiale exercent une pression accrue sur l’industrie alimentaire, grande consommatrice d’énergie, afin qu’elle nourrisse un plus grand nombre de personnes sans aggraver son impact sur la planète. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager de GEA, explique comment GEA met à profit son expertise en ingénierie pour aider les transformateurs à produire de manière plus durable tout en augmentant leur productivité.