GEA VESTA® Sterile valve technology

GEA VESTA® Sterile Valve Technology
VESTA® Shut-off valves type H_A

VESTA® Shut-off valves type H_A

are used for the controlled shut-off of pipelines in sterile process technology. The modular structure allows the valves to be optimally deployed for the relevant process requirements and capacities.

VESTA® Tank Bottom valves type H_A/T

VESTA® Tank Bottom valves type H_A/T

are used for the controlled shut-off of liquid media in the vessel. They are generally positioned at the lowest point of a vessel, although the valve is also fully drainable when installed horizontally.

VESTA® Sampling valves type H_A/I

VESTA® Sampling valves type H_A/I

are used for aseptic sampling from product pipelines or vessels.

VESTA® Valve Block types HWA & HXA

VESTA® Valve Block types HWA & HXA

are compact and versatile sterile valves with two independent actuators. The single-piece housing design enables the merging, separating, or diverting of product flow in very tight spaces.

Ottimizzare l'industria farmaceutica con GEA Flow Components


Selezionare valvole e pompe per applicazioni di processo farmaceutiche


Syringe and vial.

VESTA® valves in state-of-the-art Korean insulin line

GEA has supplied one of the largest drug manufacturers in Korea with manufacturing equipment for a state-of-the-art pharma production plant. More than 7,000 VESTA® sterile valves were installed to direct the product flow in two identical insulin production lines. This was the first time VESTA® valve technology had been selected to completely equip a new greenfield project. The multimillion Euro order represents the biggest project so far in the history of the VESTA® line.

GEA Flow Components

Ottimizzare l'industria farmaceutica con GEA Flow Components

Pompe, valvole e apparecchiature di pulizia serbatoi per una produzione farmaceutica igienica ed efficiente

Aseptic valves & components

Valvole e componenti asettici

Le valvole asettiche devono soddisfare i requisiti molto elevati dei processi UltraClean e asettici. Tutte garantiscono la massima qualità in termini di esecuzione igienica e sostenibilità.

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