A big plus for your freeze drying set-up

We’ve developed the next generation of GEA freeze dryers - RAY® Plus – to combine the latest design in industrial scale freeze drying with some major improvements in energy efficiency, productivity and ease of cleaning.

Backed by 70 years of GEA expertise in freeze drying R&D and engineering, our RAY® Plus freeze dryers (patent pending) are designed to give your large-scale processes a real boost, with a redesigned chamber that can offer better resource efficiency coupled with lower associated costs. By reducing the pressure losses in the chamber, this new design allows for an impressive 30% greater capacity when compared with existing RAY® freeze dryers that have an equivalent footprint, effectively increasing throughput while optimizing space utilization. The RAY® Plus chamber also supports thorough, fast cleaning, while the human-friendly user interface supports remote access.  

RAY Plus freeze dryer

A plus for energy efficiency

The improved flow inside the RAY Plus chamber allows you to use less energy on the vapor trap without cutting capacity.

Freeze dried oranges

A plus for cleaning

The RAY Plus features a redesigned, self-draining chamber that lets you clean the freeze dryer thoroughly and efficiently.

RAY Plus freeze dryer

A plus for capacity

Turn up your freeze-drying throughput. The RAY® Plus gives you 30% more capacity, and so greater productivity for each cycle.

Speaker at Fi Europe 2024

Speaking at Fi Europe 2024

Re-inventing freeze drying

Join our expert Morten Woldsted Pedersen at Fi Europe in Frankfurt for an exclusive look into GEA’s latest advancement in industrial freeze drying.

Date: Tuesday, November 19th

Location: Exhibitor Showcase Theatre (Hall 3 - 3.0K2)

Time: 13:00 - 13:25

Improving freeze-drying performance

So how have we achieved all of this? Experts here at GEA developed a proprietary computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model that was instrumental in supporting our design process for the RAY® Plus freeze dryer. The digital tool accurately models and evaluates flow and pressure losses under deep vacuum inside the freeze drying cabinet. Using the CFD model we could virtually assess the effects on freeze drying of even the most subtle alterations in design under different operating conditions. This meant we could ensure that the final design would offer optimal performance and efficiency in the real world.

The result of our innovation gives you a new generation of RAY® Plus freeze dryers that features up to 50% reduction in pressure losses inside the cabinet, when compared with our existing industry-leading portfolio of RAY® freeze dryers. We’ve achieved this by installing vapor traps on both sides of the cabinet, and allowing vapor inlet at both the top and the bottom of the vapor trap.

RAY Plus freeze dryer interface

Our innovation, your way

RAY® Plus user interface

Reengineered top to bottom with the user in mind, the RAY® Plus introduces an intuitive user interface that is human friendly and supports remote access. This, combined with the comprehensive control system with recipe management and batch reporting, makes day to day operation a breeze.

RAY Plus freeze dried food

Freeze-dried tomatoes, freeze-dried kiwis, freeze-dried raw meat, freeze-dried oranges, and freeze-dried kale.

RAY Plus pilot plant freeze dryer

A snapshot of freeze dryer scalability

RAY® Plus Pilot Plant freeze dryer

We’ve developed our pilot-scale RAY® Plus pilot plant freeze dryer to help you test and evaluate process scale up across a diverse range of products. 

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