Enabling customers

Reducing CO2e emissions

Emission control

Emission control

Harmful emissions generated by diverse industrial processes is a global challenge. Industries face ever-stricter environmental regulations, while striving to meet growing demand for their products. GEA provides long-term, cost-effective and ecologically viable solutions that help producers comply with regulations, while increasing output and maintaining competitiveness.



Whether fuel, lube oil, bilgewater treatment, fuel oil conditioning, engine cooling, seawater desalination, or cooling and freezing is required, GEA offers marine system solutions that make it possible to achieve strategic improvements in efficiency and cut costs while sustainably optimizing product and process quality.

Refrigeration and heating

Heating & refrigeration

With a keen focus on sustainability, which includes the use of natural refrigerants, GEA’s comprehensive portfolio derives from decades of innovation and industry leadership in industrial refrigeration and heating.


Kick-start to carbon capture

Image 1: Two brewhouse vessels installed by GEA - Source: HEINEKEN UK


GEA supplies HEINEKEN UK with a low carbon heat network for its Manchester brewery.


Il cambiamento climatico e la crescita della popolazione mondiale mettono sotto pressione l'industria alimentare, che consuma molta energia, per nutrire più persone senza impattare ulteriormente sul pianeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager di GEA, spiega come GEA utilizzi il proprio know-how ingegneristico per aiutare le aziende di trasformazione a produrre in modo più sostenibile, aumentando al contempo la produttività.

One small step, one giant contribution

Customer case

One small step, one giant contribution

Future proof cold chain with sustainable refrigeration solution


Refrigerazione sostenibile per una catena del freddo orientata al futuro

E.ON turns sewage into a valuable resource with GEA heat pump technology

Customer case

E.ON turns sewage into a valuable resource with GEA heat pump technology

Greener packaging with up to 80% less plastic – for FZ Neumuenster with GEA FoodTray

Customer case

Greener packaging with up to 80% less plastic – for FZ Neumuenster with GEA FoodTray

Clothes recycled by GEA

Le soluzioni GEA consentono il riciclo da fibra a fibra dei tessuti



Shoulder to shoulder with the fruit rescuers

Float glass manufacturers successfully commissions GEA gas cleaning plant


Float glass manufacturers successfully commissions GEA gas cleaning plant

Efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand at Wipasz

Customer case

Efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand at Wipasz

Amulfed dairy plant

Customer case

Asia’s largest skim milk powder plant showcases sustainable technologies

Greener pastures for dairy farming


Greener pastures for dairy farming

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