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Our #TeamDairyRobot

team dairyrobot r9500

Our best milking robots of all time

Dairy Robot Edition 2021

An update that benefits everyone

gea farming customer alida meering

How robots ensure equality and health in the barn

4つのGEADairyRobot R9500搾乳ボックスを備えた全自動フリーストール牛舎 – この搾乳施設と牛舎では牛の健康が最優先

team dairyrobot

Female-owned dairy farms upgrade their facility with the latest AMS state-of-the-art technology to improve milking efficiency and herd health

女性が経営する酪農場では、最新の GEA 自動搾乳システムで搾乳効率と牛群の衛生状態が向上しました。

Sweden backeby farm

Sustainable milk production goes hand in hand with animal welfare and high quality

動物栄養と最適な飼料 (給餌)供給に重点的に取り組めば、牛乳品質と搾乳性能をほぼ自動的に向上させることが可能

gea farming dpq milking carousel

“Feel-good” atmosphere from free stall up to rotary milking parlor: How a Czech farm cooperative becomes a role model

チェコ共和国の545頭の乳牛にとって「ハッピーにさせる」雰囲気:フリーストールからロータリー搾乳パーラーGEA Dairy Pro Qまで

Automated milking Scotland

Automated milking reduces labour costs and increases productivity for Scottish farm family

Scottish farm experiencing high labour costs and managing time between their dairy and arable business. Find out how automation helped solve these challenges.

Douglas Goin farm

Brazilian farmer revolutionizes its business with GEA Monobox

Since August 2017 the traditional process of milk harvesting at the Brazilian farm Godallatte has been replaced by a more modern operation based on the GEA Monobox automated milking system.

gea r9500 agrar cottbus west

Planning and creating sustainability right from the start in GEA’s largest automated milking facility in Europe


gea dairyproq vyefield farm canada

Pioneering Pays Off: How cutting-edge milking technology promotes animal health and a more attractive workplace




