Where aseptic meets aluminium

GEA Unibloc Flex

With aluminium emerging as a popular choice for bottling high-quality beverages, another trend is the growing consumer demand for sensitive beverages, from juices, teas and sport drinks to milk-based and plant-based drinks. GEA’s Unibloc Flex aseptic filling line – the world’s first for aluminium bottles – gives beverage producers a way to ride both these waves at once.

GEA Unibloc Flex - where aseptic meets aluminium

More and more beverages today are being bottled and sold in aluminium – from sparkling water to craft beer, energy drinks, hard seltzer and cold brew coffee. But one increasingly popular category of beverages has been left out of the mix thus far: highly sensitive beverages such milk-based and plant-based drinks. These are in demand due to their nutritional content, but also unsuitable for traditional processing technologies for aluminium or tin cans, such as hot filling or filling with preservatives. GEA has solved this problem with a new aseptic filling line that accommodates both aluminium and PET plastic bottles: the Unibloc Flex. 

Aseptic and aluminium – The best of both worlds

The GEA Unibloc Flex is the world’s first line system for filling aluminium bottles with aseptic processing technology. The GEA Unibloc Flex can process extremely sensitive liquid products – including milk-based and plant-based beverages – either still or carbonated, with or without particles. A simple, robust solution for reliable container and closure sterility in all environments, the GEA Unibloc Flex makes it easy for sensitive beverage producers wanting to add aluminium bottles to their portfolio. It requires just a simple adjustment when changing from one bottle shape or format to another, needs minimal maintenance and, given its compact layout, can be managed by a single operator.

GEA Unibloc Flex – Taking aseptic beverages to the next level 
  • Proven aseptic filling technology (peracetic acid and vaporized hydrogen peroxide) for container sterilization achieves safe, premium products with very long shelf-life
  • Suitable for both high-acid and low-acid beverages
  • Cutting-edge technology for aluminium closures sterilization and handling
  • aluminium bottles with threaded cap for re-closability and portability
  • Accommodates both aluminium and PET plastic bottles
  • Minimum maintenance, compact layout, single operator
  • Saves energy compared to conventional retort processing 
aluminium on the move

Why is aluminium trending today as a bottling material? For starters, its elegant appearance lends beverages a more premium look and feel. But the list of advantages is long. It provides an excellent barrier against light, air and bacteria and can’t be beat for preserving the taste, color, odor and feel of beverages – while also ensuring their safety and nutritional integrity. Made with a single material, aluminium bottles are both 100% recyclable and, in contrast to multi-material packaging, easily recyclable thanks to established collection systems. aluminium bottles can be printed directly, which means no additional plastic labeling is required. And recent advances mean that less aluminium is needed to make each bottle, which translates into lower raw material and energy usage.

The GEA advantage 

For decades, GEA has proven the high sterilization efficiency and reliability of its aseptic technology for every step of sensitive beverage bottling – and boasts more than 15 years of experience in FDA-approved projects and numerous packaging sterilization tests on aluminium bottles. GEA worked for more than a year together with aluminium bottles and closure suppliers to develop the groundbreaking GEA Unibloc Flex – a uniquely sustainable, flexible filling solution for sensitive beverages in aluminium bottles.




ABF 技術を使用すると、異なる保存期間の LA および HA 無菌飲料を同一システムでで充填可能

無菌ブロー充填システム ABF

高酸性と低酸性の両方の処理に適している ABF 2.0 は、無菌ブロー成形機と、無菌充填機およびキャッパーモジュールを兼ね備えており、オーブンから排出されたプリフォームとキャップを対象とする過酸化水素ベースの殺菌技術を特徴としています。

ECOSpin2 Zero 無菌充填ブロック

無菌充填ブロック ECOSpin2 Zero

ECOSpin2 Zero は、GEA PAA ベースの無菌充填ブロックの第 7 世代であり、微生物アイソレータに密閉された回転式滅菌器、充填機、キャッパーで構成される非常にコンパクトなシステムです。FDA 承認の ECOSpin2 Zero は、滅菌水と 過酢酸 (PAA) 溶液を生成し、かつ、すべての処理流体をろ過するのに必要なすべての処理装置を備えています。

GEA Whitebloc Filling System Aseptic

無菌充填ブロック Whitebloc

乳業業界向けに特別に設計されている Whitebloc は、HDPE 容器と PET 容器での製品の無菌ボトリングに最適なソリューションです。Whitebloc は、過酸化水素 (H2O2) ベースの滅菌技術を使用して、ミルクベースのドリンクと敏感な飲料の賞味期限を保ちます。

Modulbloc 湿式 PAA ベースの無菌充填ブロック

無菌充填ブロック Modulbloc

FDA 認証 Modulbloc 技術は低/中速充填ラインのスマートソリューションです。これは HA 飲料と LA 飲料のいずれにも適し、500 ml ボトルで 1 時間あたり最大 18,000 ボトルの生産速度に達することができるとともに、生産中に中間 SOP サイクルを必要とすることなく 165 時間の連続稼働を実現します。


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