De consument verwacht dat kant-en-klare koffie en thee dezelfde aromatische, rijk geurende essentie heeft als vers gezette bonen en bladeren, maar zonder te wachten. Fabrikanten zoeken processen en apparatuur die de opbrengst maximaliseren zonder compromissen qua kwaliteit, oplosbaarheid of houdbaarheid van het eindproduct.
Fabrikanten van kant-en-klare koffie over de hele wereld associëren de naam GEA met uiterst geavanceerde installaties, componenten en complete lijnen, ongeacht het proces of eindproduct. Steunend op tientallen jaren industriële knowhow, werken onze project-managers en technici samen met klanten om apparatuur en complete proceslijnen te ontwerpen, installeren en onderhouden die op maat zijn gemaakt voor elke bedrijfsactiviteit of productiedoel. Onze aandacht voor details die ertoe doen, betekent dat onze klanten kunnen vertrouwen op de sterkste, meest consistente en betrouwbare oplossingen, ongeacht de capaciteit of de doorvoer.
Bij GEA is er jarenlange research gepleegd voor de ontwikkeling van extractie-, aromaterugwinnings-, vries-/sproeidroog- en agglomeratietechnologieën die alle essentiële aromacomponenten uit uw waardevolle bonen en bladeren kunnen onttrekken, elke batch opnieuw, en ze kunnen vasthouden in zeer goed oplosbare instant samenstellingen. Van flexibele extractiesystemen die topprestaties bieden voor verschillende types bonen en bladeren tot en met kosteneffectieve aromaterugwinning - wij kunnen apparatuur op maat maken die de kwaliteit van extracten, de opbrengt en uiteindelijk de winstgevendheid van uw processen maximaliseren. En onze specialisten kunnen met u samenwerken om efficiënte, duurzame processen te ontwerpen en te testen voor de behandeling en verwerking van nieuwe ingrediënten en smaken, zodat u de consument een nog groter assortiment instant thee en koffie kunt bieden, voor iedere situatie, en daarbij uw concurrentieprofiel kunt verbeteren en uw marktaandeel vergroten.
Bekijk onze portfolio van toonaangevende besparende, efficiënte technologieën voor end-to-end verwerking, van de ontvangst van ingrediënten tot en met de uiteindelijke verpakking, en praat met onze specialisten over de manier waarop we de optimale verwerkingsoplossingen kunnen configureren voor uw producten, capaciteit en installatie-layout.
Water at high pressure and temperature is pumped through the roasted, ground coffee granules, to dissolve any soluble solids and produce the coffee extract. GEA offer three versatile extraction technologies The FIC® extractor enhances extraction rate at the desired temperature. The CARINE extractor prolongs extraction time, at higher temperatures, to optimize yields. The CONTEX technology offers short, low temperature processing to extract the aroma-rich fraction of the coffee.
The hydrolysis fraction is extracted at a feed water temperature of approx. 180°C and a pressure of 16 bar, to increase overall yield. Following centrifugation the weak extract undergoes evaporation to a concentration of 38–46% solids for freeze drying, or approx. 50% for spray drying. Water is gently removed in the evaporator (TVR or MVR heated) under vacuum at low temperature to help preserve coffee taste. A decanter separates the coffee extracts from the solids, and the recovered coffee extract is recycled back into the process. The dry solids are used for energy recovery.
The extract is centrifuged to separate any insoluble material, and then undergoes an aroma recovery, or freeze concentration process. The extract is stripped of its volatiles in a flash evaporator, the mixture of aroma volatiles and water vapor is then further concentrated using a distillation column, and the resulting distillate recovered by condensation. The aroma distillate is subsequently added to the concentrated extract prior to spray or freeze drying.
To prevent the loss of valuable aroma components, the roasted coffee beans undergo micro-grinding just before the concentrated coffee extract is dried. The GEA MicroWet grinding system uses a wet grinding technique to capture and preserve both the flavor and aroma of the coffee bean, and is designed to help you increase both the overall yield of the coffee beans and the capacity of the dryer.
Spray drying the freshly concentrated coffee extract produces free-flowing, coffee powder, or, if an agglomeration step is added, coffee granules. The wetted powder is agglomerated, sieved, and transferred to a fluid bed for drying and cooling. The multi-stage GEA FSD® Spray Dryer with integrated fluid bed is ideal to help ensure safe and efficient processing.
Freshly concentrated coffee is cooled, foamed and subsequently pre-frozen in preparation for freeze drying. The pre-frozen product is then pumped into either a belt freezer or rota freezer to produce a solid phase (flakes), which is then granulated, milled, sieved and automatically charged into trays, for loading into the freeze dryer. GEA offer two types of freeze dryers. The CONRAD® range is ideal for the continuous processing of large volumes, while our RAY® batch freeze dryers are designed for smaller capacities.
Precise dosing and sifting and safe, gentle handing of the dried product during storage, conveying and packing all help to retain quality. The GEA Scan-Vibro sifter removes dust and oversized particles before packing. Proprietary GEA vibration technology means that the freeze-dried coffee can be conveyed in cold room environments at temperatures as low as –53 °C.
GEA offer a range of solutions to fill coffee powders into bags, boxes and drums. Our range of bag/sack powder fillers are designed for low, medium and high production capacities. Latest additions to the range, for low capacity powder plants, include the semi-automatic SmartFil M1, and the fully automatic HYGiPac R1. Bag palletizing and emptying options are available for integration to provide a turnkey solution.
GEA can integrate smart refrigeration and heating solutions into the entire instant coffee process, resulting in lower energy consumption, minimized operating costs, increased sustainability and reduced carbon footprint.
GEA technologies can be configured with full automation, to help ensure optimum efficiency and performance. The GEA Codex® solution supports automation, by providing full and transparent traceability of raw materials and ingredients, throughout the process, and into the final product.
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