Bebidas de origem vegetal

Origem vegetal para cada preferência: soluções integradas

Bebidas de origem vegetal Copo
Unidades de processamento da GEA para produção de bebidas não alcoólicas

Non-alcoholic beverages

A thirst for the extraordinary.

Bebidas de origem vegetal: nós conhecemos seu produto

Plant-based beverages

We share your passion. We know your product. We create your solution.


Together we design the plant-based beverage solution that is tailored to your needs

Silos de pó GEA Nu-Con

The handling and processing of a variety of materials such as beans, nuts, grains and flour as well as additives later in the process is a key challenge. With GEA’s technologies and design capability, a refined process can be developed to achieve the necessary flexibility and high performance, while maintaining raw material quality.


Using experience, expertise, research and partnering, the overall extraction design is developed to suit the product or range of products to be manufactured. Designing the extraction line requires significant know-how around hydrolysis, enzymation and separation. In GEA, we have the combination of know-how, experience and technologies. With testing capabilities which enables the performing of trials from the grain or bean, to the final aseptic product, the process can be designed to fit exactly the customer’s desired recipe, flavour and quality.


Using the base product from the extraction process, the final plant-based drink can be formed if required by the recipe with additives or other components blended with it.


With solids content in a base or intermediate product there is potential to increase this further with freeze concentration, membrane technology, evaporation and spray drying.


Featuring H2O2- or PAA-based sterilization process for HDPE/PET containers, the blowing, filling & capping systems from GEA benefit of a fully aseptic, constantly monitored process implementation to ensure the safety of premium sensitive products.


Effective CIP solutions remove any leftover product from the plant, tank surfaces, heat exchangers, pumps, pipes, etc. Systems with SIP (Sterilize-in-Place) functionality for high microbiologic control can be integrated.


Advanced process control tools enable consistent, and robust process conditions with the highest efficiency levels and minimum energy consumption.

Flow components used for hard seltzer production

To ensure safe and sustainable production processes in the treatment of liquid products, GEA flow components offer a comprehensive range of valves for all hygienic classes, as well as hygienic pumps and cleaning technology. Their modular design allows to create future-proof process solutions for the most challenging production tasks.

Efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand at Wipasz

GEA experts can integrate sustainable cooling & heating solutions with the whole beverage process in the best possible way, resulting in lower energy consumption, minimized operating costs, and reduced carbon footprint.

Produtos e Tecnologias

Mostrando 4 de 18


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Insights da GEA

A GEA e a Pulmuone homenageiam gerações de produção artesanal do noodle frio

Quando o fabricante de alimentos sul-coreano Pulmuone trouxe à GEA o desafio de desenvolver uma versão moderna do tradicional noodle frio elástico (naengmyeon), os especialistas em P&D da GEA estiveram à altura do desafio. Eles ajudaram a desenvolver o que hoje é um sucesso comercial produzido com menos água e eletricidade do que os métodos já existentes. O resultado também é fiel às origens tradicionais do prato, bem como às bases de saúde, bem-estar e sustentabilidade da Pulmuone.

Os guerreiros da água da GEA

Na campanha global pela segurança da água, as soluções de conservação e tratamento de água da GEA estão impulsionando o esforço para reduzir o uso, o desperdício e a poluição da água - uma fábrica, uma fazenda e uma cidade de cada vez.

Pre2Fuel: Liberado para decolagem

O processo inovador da GEA representa um marco no pré-tratamento de biocombustíveis, como óleo vegetal hidrotratado e combustível de aviação sustentável. Eliminando o processo de clareamento, os fabricantes se beneficiam de um potencial de economia significativo: custos operacionais mais de 50% menores e até 12% menos emissões de CO2.

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