Get a comprehensive analysis to optimize your performance

GEA Brewhouse Performance Boost

GEA Brewhouse Performance Boost is a professional analysis of the entire brewhouse plant, performed by GEA process engineer on site. It will provide a comprehensive analysis of the current brewhouse performance, identify potential improvement areas and opportunities based on your needs, and provide a customer-oriented solution to help you achieve your productivity and sustainability goals.

Brewhouse Performance Boost audit optimization

From our comprehensive data - base we compare and analyze the current brewhouse performance: are you operating under optimal conditions and with suitable raw materials? Have you experienced losses or decreasing brewhouse yield, slower processing or even reached the maximum capacity of your brewhouse?

Dive into the brewing process

Discover GEA Brewhouse Performance Boost to deep dive into the brewing process and help you to identify improvement areas and realize savings with a transparent and short-term ROI. Every overview comes with a detailed analysis and report to guide you towards superior brewhouse performance and optimum utilization.

Benefits at glance:

  • No CAPEX investment required
  • No major re-configuration of brewhouse
  • ROI analysis complimenting GEA´s proposal
  • Limited production down time to upgrade equipment
  • Performance guaranty on re-commissioned brewhouse and/or equipment
  • Brewmaster to Brewmaster collaboration

Get your short-term ROI calculation considering your targets

We will provide you with a short-term ROI calculation based on the various options required to meet your individual needs. We guarantee to achieve all upgrade specific performance indicators by considering your targets and focus areas. 

Optimize existing installation using smart service products

Brewhouse Performance Boost optimize existing installation

Access expert knowledge and experience

We offer you the best possible experience by sharing our expert knowledge and experience, to help support your goals and optimize your plant operation, sustainability and product quality. If it’s necessary to upgrade your plant equipment, all or part of the costs of the Brewhouse Performance Boost will be refunded.

GEA Insights

Scrambled egg made with egg altnerative

On the menu: more sustainable eggs

GEA helps customers test and scale alternative egg products and ingredients made with precision fermentation.

Decarbonizing processes with industrial heat pumps

When it comes to improving the health of the planet, GEA takes a leading role. As one of our sustainability-focused strategic objectives, we are forging a path to help our customers across myriad industries to reduce energy use...

GEA center of excellence on olive oil

Building resilience into the olive oil industry

Learn how GEA supports the olive oil industry in times of climate change and sustainably improves the profitability of producers with innovative technologies.

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