Industrial spray dryers

Our fully customizable and highly reliable spray dryers deliver quality powders that enable you to meet your customers’ needs today and tomorrow.

GEA spray drying solutions range from basic units to very sophisticated plants for complex processes, which are all designed to conform to the highest industry standards for hygiene, energy efficiency, safety and plant performance.

Our solutions exploit plant-wide control and automation software to monitor process parameter, and make any necessary adjustment. This level of control helps to ensure process repeatability and product consistency. 



Insights da GEA

Lemgo plant building

Passado e futuro se fundem no projeto pioneiro de aquecimento urbano de Lemgo

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

A automação faz a diferença para as vacas, os seres humanos e o planeta

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

A solução de descongelamento da GEA é um sucesso na CIAL do Chile

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