要想达到预期质量水平,必须具备生产工艺和成品的专业知识。GEA 定位正确,可以满足这些最终用户的需求。我们可为果蔬汁行业在分离、浓缩、均质、自动化、即用即洗(CIP)、灌装和包装方面提供配套的设备和技术。作为完整生产线的优质供应商,我们经验丰富的工程师将与您的团队合作,开发能满足您特定需求的创新、高效的工艺和包装技术。
GEA 在这一市场拥有的经验意味着我们对整个生产过程有着透彻的理解,满足您的需求。我们可以根据您的需求量身定制并优化我们的解决方案,不论您需要完整的新工厂、新工艺生产线或包装线,还是扩建现有工厂,都能满足您的需求。GEA 为饮料生产实施定制工艺和包装工厂的口碑是公认的,我们的成果也有目共睹:我们为果蔬饮料行业成功规划并建造的工厂遍布五大洲。
Advanced beverage processing with GEA process units
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Consumers' increased attention to health and sustainability has led to the development of more and more premium products for people to discover and enjoy. Such products require high levels of hygiene and safety during filling and gentle handling to avoid unnecessary stress on the beverages, especially those containing cereals or fruit pieces.
GEA NiSoMate® is an in-line real-time quality monitoring system capable to measure the product quality of fluid and allows to adjust continuously the operating parameters to achieve the best required product quality at the lowest pressure possible, optimizing energy consumption.
Hygienic steam inlet valves are used for the monitored supply of steam in containers or tanks.
Filling the future: GEA Aseptic Filling Pilot Plant
GEA Aseptic Smart Doser
Proof of concept at innocent drinks