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JETSTAR® 在常压煮沸锅中提供了创新的工艺:两阶段煮沸。通过两个单独的步骤,使用内加热器以自然循环方式柔和、高效地将麦汁煮沸。
Using a Whirlpool vessel is considered the smartest method of hot trub separation. But that's not all. Compared to the centrifuge or filter the Whirlpool is also the most economical way of achieving hot break separation after wort boiling in the last stage of wort preparation.
With wort cooling we change over from the hot to the cold phase of beer production. After separation of hot trub the wort temperature is lowered to the required pitching temperature. From the physical point of view, cooling is an easy process. In practice, however, breweries can choose different methods of heat transfer.
利用 WORTSTAR® 麦汁充氧系统,GEA 开发了一种创新的充氧装置,它既能柔和地处理麦芽汁,且工作效率高。
Looking to the future of beer for our 150th