الكفتة، قطع اللحم الحلقية، ساتاي... من خلال معدات التشكيل المقدمة من GEA لا يوجد حد تقريبًا للأشكال والأحجام التي يمكنك ابتكارها.
Behind the fun and convenience is a highly competitive industry in which variety, capacity, yield, versatility, hygiene, sustainability and, above all, product quality are the key drivers.
Being in the forming business for over half a century, GEA takes a lead in this demanding market with forming equipment to meet every customer’s needs. Nowadays offering both plate formers and drum formers.
The versatile GEA FreshFormer, for example, is an easy-to-use plate former for forming small batches of fresh meat and vegetables especially when users are producing a wide range of products and so need a fast product changeover.
For higher production levels we have the GEA MultiFormer that can form virtually any product into any shape including irregular and novelty shapes, even those with a 3D appearance.
Then comes the GEA MaxiFormer, the world’s leading high-capacity drum former for high-speed production of long-run products with excellent shape retention and weight accuracy.
Add to this the passionate GEA people and their unrevealed application know-how and you have the ultimate winning formula. That’s forming the GEA way.
Technology Center Bakel
التشكيل بطريقة GEA
Food Now من GEA
يتم عرض 3 من 3
Discover the GEA FreshFormer, GEA's versatile and easy-to-use plate former, ideal for smaller batches of fresh meat and vegetables with many product change-overs.
GEA MultiFormer, easy-to-use plate former that uses air and water to knock-out products. Its the most versatile and flexible former for a wide range of products and shapes in the market
GEA MaxiFormer, with patented forming technology, is the most efficient forming solution on the market for high-quality formed poultry, pork and meat replacement products, providing the highest output.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
Get the best out of your GEA food forming equipment with original forming plates. Choose from an extensive range of food forming plates for meat, poultry, fish, meat-replacement, vegetables and cheese. The GEA FormPlates are suitable for all formers in the GEA food forming family, such as the GEA MultiFormer and GEA FreshFormer.
Producing the best quality formed food products has become even easier. Whether you use a GEA MultiFormer, GEA FreshFormer or any other GEA plate forming equipment, now you can optimize your forming technology in only a few minutes and boost your performance. With the GEA Knockout E-series, formed products are released smoothly and easily using a...
كان خبراء البحث والتطوير في GEA على قدر التحدي عندما طرحت Pulmuone، وهي شركة كورية جنوبية متخصصة في إنتاج الأغذية النباتية، تحديًا لـ GEA يتمثل في إضفاء لمسة حديثة على النودلز الكورية الباردة التقليدية ذات القوام الواضح في الفم (النينجميون). وساعدوا في تطوير ما أصبح الآن نجاحًا تجاريًا يتم إنتاجه باستخدام كميات أقل من المياه والكهرباء مقارنةً بالطرق المستخدمة سابقًا. وتتوافق النتيجة أيضًا مع الأصول التقليدية للطبق بالإضافة إلى جذور Pulmuone في الصحة والعافية والاستدامة.
تشكل عمليات GEA المبتكرة علامة فارقة في المعالجة المسبقة للوقود الحيوي مثل الزيت النباتي المعالج بالهيدروجين ووقود الطيران المستدام. من خلال التخلص من عملية التبييض، تستفيد الشركات المصنعة من إمكانات توفير كبيرة: تكاليف تشغيل أقل بنسبة تزيد عن 50% وانبعاثات أقل من ثاني أكسيد الكربون بنسبة تصل إلى 12%.