Having the right milking cluster positioning system increases both comfort and yield. GEA offers a range of intelligent solutions that can be added seamlessly to your milking parlor.
PosiCare from GEA is a very high-quality milking cluster positioning system with post-milking functions that not only simplifies the positioning of the milking cluster, but also provides greater comfort for the cow during stripping. Can be adjusted individually for every cow in your herd. The height of the PosiCare's arm can be adjusted electronically to suit the size of each individual cow. The flexibility of the milking arm means that the milking cluster always follows the movement of the cow, ensuring the process is comfortable and convenient for both the cow and the milker. The flexible milking arm position also reduces the risk of adhesion problems. The milking cluster no longer needs to be adjusted manually for each individual cow, PosiCare takes care of it for you.
The PosiMax milking cluster positioning system helps you to ensure that the milking cluster is always positioned perfectly under the udder. The positioning can be adjusted for each individual animal so that they can be stripped perfectly, giving you the highest possible yield. The milking process is also more comfortable for the cow as the milking cluster is adjusted to suit them and follows their movements.
The Classic 300 and Classic 300E milking clusters make milking both gentler and more efficient. Their modular design means that they can be adapted flexibly and easily to changing conditions.
IQ's revolutionary four-way technology ensures that you always have maximum milk quality, quantity and udder health. Using it is incomparably easy! Easier attaching, milking and maintenance.
This first‑of‑its‑kind product incorporates patented technology to automatically apply post‑dip, through the head of the liner at the end of milking, and automatically backflush after detach – facilitating a superior milk harvesting process every time the cow enters the parlor.
Whether pneumatic or electronic, with or without stimulating pulsator and automatic cluster removal - the pulsation rate must be right. Good pulsation technology increases milk production and ensures better health of udders.
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Climate change and a growing world population put increased pressure on the energy-intensive food industry to feed more people without further impacting the planet. George Shepherd, GEA’s Global Technical Sustainability Manager, explains how GEA uses its engineering know-how to help processors produce more sustainably yet increase productivity.