Aguas arriba

Agua de sentina

Para proteger el sensible ecosistema de los océanos del planeta, el agua de sentina debe ser desengrasada hasta un nivel legalmente especificado antes de descargarla en el mar. Las soluciones innovadoras de GEA utilizadas para tratar el agua de sentina no solo satisfacen con precisión las especificaciones más exigentes durante este proceso, sino que también ofrecen enormes ventajas económicas a los operadores.

Ventajas de nuestras centrífugas
    Reducir el contenido de aceite residual a 15 ppm, en algunas regiones a 5 ppm, cumpliendo las normas de la OMI
  • Oil-in water measuring device, monitoring the aqueous phase for purity levels
  • Significantly reduced disposal costs
  • Low energy consumption
  • Corrosion-resistant duplex material 
  • Space-saving design
  • Explosion-protected design in accordance with IECEx, if required
Meeting IMO regulations

Across various processes in the oil and gas industry, including the treatment of water, strict adherence to environmental regulations is crucial. To meet the standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), GEA offers specialized high-performance, self-cleaning centrifugal separators and clarifying decanter centrifuges. The goal is to efficiently reduce the oil content in the bilge water to levels below the legally specified limits, often set at 15 ppm or 5 ppm in some regions.

Continuous and reliable operation, along with cost-effective features such as reduced disposal costs and low energy consumption, makes GEA's solutions suitable for both offshore and onshore applications. The emphasis on compliance, efficiency and cost-effectiveness is a common thread in addressing the challenges posed by oil-contaminated bilgewater in the oil and gas industry.

Oil monitor to ensure adherence to legally prescribed limits

We use a special oil-in-water measuring device to monitor the aqueous phase and ensure the purity levels of the de-oiled water. If the required levels of residual oil in the water are exceeded, the liquid is recirculated to the bilge water tank and is only released when it meets the exact environmental requirements.

Advantages of using GEA high-performance separators

GEA plants for treating bilge water, with a high-performance separator as the main component, offer a range of advantages that systematically focus on the requirements of the oil and gas industry. Our treatment systems are designed accordingly to ensure that the required values are achieved safely and sustainably. During this process, the treatment plant separator continuously separates the oil and water phase, while also automatically removing sludge from the bilge water. Not only the significantly reduced disposal costs resulting from this process, but also the low energy consumption and the space-saving design of our separators sustainably reduce operating cost. The recovered oil can be used by operators for different purposes, thus providing additional cost efficiency.

Flow chart Bilge water treatment

Bilge water treatment utilizing centrifugal force for cleaner discharge


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