Aguas arriba
El agua de vertido se produce en plataformas de gas y petróleo marinas cuando se limpian la cubierta y los tubos de perforación; es un agua contaminada con hidrocarburos, productos químicos y residuos. En las cubiertas de perforación, este agua de vertido también contiene sustancias erosivas, como sales muy corrosivas, lodos de perforación con productos químicos en suspensión y en solución, barro que contiene agua, agua salada, agua de lluvia y agua de formación, además de arena, sólidos flotantes, piedras y partículas grandes.
Across various processes in the oil and gas industry, including the treatment of water, strict adherence to environmental regulations is crucial. To meet the standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), GEA offers specialized high-performance, self-cleaning centrifugal separators and clarifying decanter centrifuges. The goal is to efficiently reduce the oil content to levels below the legally specified limits, often set at 15 ppm or 5 ppm in some regions.
Continuous and reliable operation, along with cost-effective features such as reduced disposal costs and low energy consumption, makes GEA's solutions suitable for both offshore and onshore applications. The emphasis on compliance, efficiency and cost-effectiveness is a common thread in addressing the challenges posed by oil-contaminated water in the oil and gas industry.
To guarantee adherence to prescribed limits, we employ a specialized oil-in-water measuring device. This device monitors the aqueous phase, ensuring the de-oiled water meets environmental requirements. If oil levels exceed the set standard, the liquid is recirculated to the slop water tank and only released when it meets the necessary purity criteria.
All these various possible compositions make an overboard discharge of slop water inadmissible due to existing environmental regulations, so that they have to be treated before discharge. GEA's approach allows for on-site slop water treatment, eliminating the need for costly transportation to shore for processing and disposal. By efficiently treating slop water at its source, our solution not only ensures compliance with regulations but also minimizes the environmental impact and reduces operational costs.
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Los decantadores de clarificación están diseñados para una separación continua de sólidos y líquido aclarado en suspensiones, sin interrumpir la alimentación de la suspensión.
El separador centrífugo es una máquina en que se separan mutuamente dos líquidos de distinta densidad. Pueden separarse los sólidos al mismo tiempo.
Las centrífugas con injector, son máquinas de funcionamiento continuo que clarifican los líquidos a la vez que concentran los sólidos. Los sólidos concentrados se descargan de modo continuo mediante injectores. El líquido aclarado se descarga mediante una bomba centrípeta incorporada.