
"Manufacturers are not prepared to make any compromises with such a traditional product, after all consumers demand high quality"

Torben Bauch, product manager for cider technology at GEA

Figure 1: Comparison of cider production 2011 – 2017 [in hectoliters] worldwide

Figure 1: Comparison of cider production 2011 – 2017 [in hectoliters] worldwide

Figure 2: Cider/Perry: Top 10 Global Companies by Volume 2015-2016

Figure 2: Cider/Perry: Top 10 Global Companies by Volume 2015-2016

Figure 3: Principal layout of WORTSTAR®

Figure 3: Principal layout of WORTSTAR®

Figure 4: Principal layout of a dynamic fermentation (drawing and photo)

Figure 4: Principal layout of a dynamic fermentation (drawing and photo)

Figure 5: Principal layout of a GEA ceramic membrane filtration unit

Figure 5: Principal layout of a GEA ceramic membrane filtration unit

Figure 6: PI&D of a DICON™ unit

Figure 6: PI&D of a DICON™ unit

Cider: What it is and where it is drunk

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