GEA OptiCoater

Efficient, accurate batter applicator for high-capacity production

GEA OptiCoater | High-capacity batter applicator - coating chicken filet

Consistent batter pickup and highest product quality

Batter application is important for perfect coated products. The GEA OptiCoater, batter applicator, uses a four-layer batter curtain. This gives full coverage of the top of the products with a small dip construction for the bottom. You can fine-tune the process to suit your application by changing the position of the batter curtain and belt speed. This will give you ideal adhesion for breading. Easy operation. Robust design. Highly reliable. Proven worldwide.

Main applications

GEA OptiCoater | High-capacity batter applicator - main applications such as battered chicken wing, veggie burger, shrimps and marinated spareribs & loins

The main product applications for GEA OptiCoater are: poultry products (boneless and bone-in), pork cutlets, meat replacement products and vegetables. This efficient and accurate batter applicator can also marinate pork tenderloins and spare ribs. Everything at high capacity. 

High quality products with guaranteed even batter pick-up

  • A four-layer curtain and dip construction ensure full coverage
  • Frequency converter allows adjustable belt speed for fine-tuning settings
  • Adjustable valve sets quantity of supplied batter
  • Excess batter removed to avoid overweight products and bad adhesion 

Maximum production uptime

  • Improved batter turnover time for longer production runs
  • Hygienic design with extremely short changeover time while machine remains in line
  • Touch-button process control
  • Efficient use of ingredients

Maximum flexibility

  • Even coverage of products in a wide variety of shapes
  • Cooling jacket gives maximum control of the batter temperature 
  • Thicker batter application from the heavy-duty blower
  • Fast, in-line positioning with quick-link coupling


Advanced technology
Designed for maximum uptime
GEA OptiCoater | High-capacity batter applicator - designed for maximum uptime

A self-emptying drain underneath the batter applicator gives extremely short changeover times. Engineers can open the blower easily for inspection and cleaning without additional tools. There are no hoses between the pump and curtain, just quick-release pipes. These have no loose parts and give maximum access and clear inspection. The gas, spring-loaded belt construction gives full and easy access to all the machine interior surfaces.

Efficient and accurate batter application
GEA OptiCoater | High-capacity batter applicator - working principle

A conveyor belt carries the product through a four-layer curtain of batter to ensure full coverage of the top. A small dip construction coats the bottom of the product. Alternatively, you can use a bottom flow box to ensure irregular products are coated completely. The conveyor belt speed can be adjusted by a frequency converter. An adjustable valve in the supply line sets the correct quantity of batter. A specially designed hygienic blower removes excess batter on the upper product side. A scraper or an additional bottom blower pipe removes excess batter from the bottom surface. The bottom blower pipe is optional depending on the application. The blower volume and frequency can be adjusted to suit the application.

Technical details
OptiCoater 600OptiCoater 1000
Belt width600 mm1000 mm
Belt speed2 to 20 min/m2 to 20 min/m
Min. product height8 mm8 mm
Max. product height70 mm70 mm
Dimensions LxWxH1840x1370x1430 mm1840x1770x1430 mm
Machine weight460 kg550 kg



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