Brine preparation perfected
GEA MixMaster brine and marinade preparation system offers controlled and efficient mixing with the flexibility to adapt to meet specific application needs. Its functionality is essential for downstream processes, in use with injectors, massagers/tumblers and mixers.
GEA MixMaster is suited for the preparation of homogenic brines and marinades such as:
Homogenic brine mix
Application-driven and modular system
Ingredient hopper placed at ergonomically correct height
An advanced venturi system ensures the ingredients are dissolved and premixed into the liquid, before entering the mixing tank. Even working with materials which are difficult to mix, complete homogeneity can be obtained. Features like PLC control to have full process control, brine level control and pump protection ensure this machine is easy to use.
The modular design allows easy conversion and extension of features on either the mixing or the storage tank. For example pump size can be adjusted to meet the desired application.
The stirring device prevents sedimentation by constantly stirring the brine or marinade mix. The stirring device has two, three-wing propellers and can be set to two different speeds, depending on the specifications of the brine or marinade. Next to that the pedals are designed to reduce foam, while reaching maximum turbulence.
Option to have the mixing or storage tanks cooled to keep the brine or marinade at optimal temperature for further processing during the marination or preparation process.
MixMaster 500 | MixMaster 1500 | MixMaster 3000 | |
Capacity | 500 l | 1500 l | 3000 l |
Electric power | 7,2/12,7 kW | 6,8 / 12,3 kW | 6,8 / 12,3 kW |
Machine weight | 495 kg | 594 kg | 767 kg |
Dimensions | 1850x2450x2400 mm | 2400x2400x3200 mm | 2900x3000x3700 mm |
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