Enabling customers

Rethinking waste


Making the most of biomass

The use of biomass for generating energy is becoming increasingly important.


Sustainable manure management

Liquid manure from the agricultural sector represents a valuable natural fertilizer.

Product recovery systems

Product recovery systems

Cleaning of process lines is always an issue – both to meet the strictest criteria for hygienic design both also to gain as much product out of the pipes as possible.

Brewery waste

Rich rewards from brewery waste.

Skórka pomarańczowa w walce z marnotrawstwem żywności na świecie

GEA i PeelPioneers wykorzystują skórki pomarańczy do ograniczania marnotrawstwa żywności

Pompa ciepła GEA pomaga zdekarbonizować Gateshead

GEA dokopuje się do leżących głęboko rozwiązań z zakresu produkcji czystej energii z wody kopalnianej za pomocą pomp ciepła



Creating value from waste in land-based aquaculture


Customer case

From waste stream to wholegrain pasta

Greener pastures for dairy farming


Greener pastures for dairy farming

E.ON turns sewage into a valuable resource with GEA heat pump technology

Customer case

E.ON turns sewage into a valuable resource with GEA heat pump technology

Greener packaging with up to 80% less plastic – for FZ Neumuenster with GEA FoodTray

Customer case

Greener packaging with up to 80% less plastic – for FZ Neumuenster with GEA FoodTray

Smart, automated separation increases onboard efficiency, reducing waste and emissions


Smart, automated separation increases onboard efficiency, reducing waste and emissions

Clothes recycled by GEA

Rozwiązania GEA umożliwiają recykling tekstyliów typu „włókno-do-włókna”

Less waste water


Clearing the path for less wastewater

Valorizing food production waste through functional ingredients extraction


Valorizing food production waste through functional ingredients extraction

GEA center of excellence on olive oil

Tworzenie odporności przemysłu produkcji oliwy z oliwek

Remote solutions set new standards for a new normal world


Remote solutions set new standards for a new normal world



A reduced footprint for PET recycling and rPET

GEA LeakCheck


GEA LeakCheck: new measurement system for perfectly sealed map packaging

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