Knockout tooling For GEA food forming equipment
Producing the best quality formed food products has become even easier. Whether you use a GEA MultiFormer, GEA FreshFormer or any other GEA plate forming equipment, now you can optimize your forming technology in only a few minutes and boost your performance. With the GEA Knockout E-series, formed products are released smoothly and easily using a combination of gravity, air pulse and water.
The GEA Knockout E-series for GEA food forming equipment meets the latest standards in hygiene, performance, user-friendliness and cost saving. The range has a high number of strokes per minute, helps save water and knockouts can be changed twice as fast.
The enhanced hygienic design of the GEA Knockout E-series makes cleaning and inspection easy and contributes to an excellent release of products. The new knockout concept is entirely made in stainless steel - including all connecting parts. Rounded edges minimize the chance of dirt build-up inside the knockout including water channels and the inside of the cups. The entire system is easy to open for regular and unlimited inspection.
You can further optimize your food forming equipment by using GEA FormPlates: an extensive range of forming plates for meat, poultry, fish, meat-replacement, vegetables and cheese. Whatever the ingredients, recipe or product size, GEA FormPlates can achieve a huge variety of shapes and forms.
GEA takes the lead in food forming technology to meet any customer's need. GEA formers portfolio is designed to offer food processors Variety, capacity, yield, versatility, hygiene, sustainability and above all, product quality. Whether you want to improve your forming equipment with GEA Knockout E-series or original GEA FormPlates, GEA service organization and team of application specialists can support you all the way.
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Формирование методов GEA
GEA Food Now
Благодаря GEA MultiFormer продукты питания, включая красное мясо, свинину, птицу, морепродукты, сыр, овощи и мясозаменители получают более привлекательную форму. Простая конструкция обеспечивает высокую производительность. В машину встроен программируемый ПЛК для оптимизации цикла формовки каждого отдельного продукта. Возможность быстрой замены ф...
GEA FreshFormer создает различные возможности в связи с формовкой полуфабрикатов из мясного фарша и позволяет осуществить значительную экономию благодаря сокращению отходов при переходе на другой продукт. С его помощью можно создавать любые формы из свежего мясного фарша, включая биточки, рубленый бифштекс, тартар из говядины, плоский рубленый б...
Get the best out of your GEA food forming equipment with original forming plates. Choose from an extensive range of food forming plates for meat, poultry, fish, meat-replacement, vegetables and cheese. The GEA FormPlates are suitable for all formers in the GEA food forming family, such as the GEA MultiFormer and GEA FreshFormer.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
Get the best out of your GEA food forming equipment with original forming plates. Choose from an extensive range of food forming plates for meat, poultry, fish, meat-replacement, vegetables and cheese. The GEA FormPlates are suitable for all formers in the GEA food forming family, such as the GEA MultiFormer and GEA FreshFormer.
Producing the best quality formed food products has become even easier. Whether you use a GEA MultiFormer, GEA FreshFormer or any other GEA plate forming equipment, now you can optimize your forming technology in only a few minutes and boost your performance. With the GEA Knockout E-series, formed products are released smoothly and easily using a...
Изменение климата и растущее население планеты оказывают повышенное давление на энергоемкую пищевую промышленность, чтобы накормить больше людей и при этом не нанести вред планете. Джордж Шеперд, менеджер по глобальной технической устойчивости компании GEA, объясняет, как компания GEA использует свои инженерные ноу-хау, чтобы помочь переработчикам производить продукцию более устойчиво и при этом повысить производительность.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
Каждый безопасный для употребления напиток и пищевой продукт — это победа над невидимыми микробными угрозами — борьба, которая ведется в течение уже ста лет разработки и проектирования технологических процессов, отвечающих требованиям гигиенических норм. Обладая более чем 100-летним опытом и уникальными знаниями в области проектирования и гигиенического проектирования, компания GEA устанавливает отраслевые стандарты для технологического оборудования, задачей которого является защита продуктов питания и спасение жизней людей.