最精确的浇注机和轻柔的海绵蛋糕处理工艺能够实现完美的分层,优化的自动化工艺能够加速吞吐量并最大程度地减少浪费。GEA 可以配置高度自动化且灵活的夹心蛋糕生产线,让我们的客户每一天都能够加工不同类型的新鲜和冷冻蛋糕。我们的技术可保证海绵蛋糕的质地均匀,能够精确地注入馅料,并且只注射恰当数量的顶部配料。
Whether large or small, multi-layered or with just two layers, round layer cakes come in every color, texture and taste, from birthday cakes and wedding cakes, to simple sponges for a weekend treat.
Accurate depositing of batters, fillings and toppings, and gentle handling ensures perfectly layered products and minimal waste.
Sponge layers are baked in large rectangular tray and sandwiched together with one or more imaginative fillings, and finished with toppings and decorations.
Easy to cut into individually sized portions, sheet layer cakes are ideal for packaging into slices that can be enjoyed as a treat anywhere during the day or evening.
GEA 夹心蛋糕生产线、浇注和填馅设备保证可加工任何类型的面糊和混合物,并且可处理和浇注范围最广的馅料、顶部配料、涂层和装饰,包括奶油玫瑰花饰。GEA 设备设计为可提供最佳的灵活性,可以快速切换产品,最大程度地减少停机时间。即使在最苛刻吞吐量情况下,先进的自动化程度也可以确保获得最高质量,并且卫生的设计使得可以有效、高效地进行清洗,并且可以降低对水的使用。
GEA 提供了一系列全套浇注机,可处理范围广泛的海绵蛋糕的面糊和混合物、馅料和顶部配料。我们的系统可以处理任何类型的馅料,不管是流体或粘性馅料、顺滑的生奶油还是有颗粒的馅料均得心应手。选件包括用于在受控温度下添加配料的加热料斗和搅拌机。高度精确的独立量筒可确保精确地浇注合适的数量,从而最大程度减少浪费,并且伺服电机驱动的浇注头可提高精度和速度。
为了提高上游的自动化水平,GEA 提供了一系列的装杯机型号,可以捡拾并放置任何尺寸或类型的纸质容器和塑料带盖泡罩,用于放置最易碎的夹心蛋糕。GEA 烤炉设计为可确保烘焙的每一块海绵蛋糕都能完美膨起、着色和形成质地,这全得益于每个烤炉区域之间独立热控技术。
GEA 不只提供设备和生产线。客户可以依赖我们食品技术专家和工艺专家获取专业技能和知识,帮助优化现有的配方,开发出令人兴奋的新配方,以及在 GEA 设备上测试相关工艺。
The central stages of the layered cake production process, lies precisely in depositing the ingredients that will then go on to make up the layers themselves; at this stage the utmost precision is required especially in terms of dosage, to avoid waste and obtain layers perfectly balanced to each other.
GEA depositors, from this point of view, offer the utmost precision, together with a high standard of hygiene and an overall reduction in energy used, at the same time guaranteeing flexibility with respect to the different types of creams that can be deposited.
Expert support
Elevate your layer cake production to unprecedented heights with our innovative GEA Layer Cake production technology. Delve into our brochure to explore in-depth insights into the technical specifications and features of our cutting-edge layer cakes technologies.
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Denesters for paper cups, aluminium foils and plastic containers
GEA offers a family of depanning systems and robots that can either overturn trays or accurately pick and place pies and cakes using needles, suction cups or clamps. Installed as part of a complete plant or integrated into an existing processing line, our flexible machines will ensure that the quality of your products is never compromised.
GEA 调查了全球烘焙行业,提供各种冷却和冷冻系统,可以满足曲奇饼、蛋糕、派、面包和糕点的产品要求。
在收购 Comas 和 Imaforni 后,GEA 现在已然成为为烘焙行业制造和供应量身定制的优质浇注机的领先专家。