Enhancing taste and shelf life


Marinating meat is one of the oldest food preparation techniques. Today’s innovative processes from GEA offer far more than increased shelf life. They add value in terms of enhanced flavor, more appetizing color, higher yield and an appealing bite.

Fresh marinated wings

Marination can turn meat, poultry and fish cuts into a succulent basis for a delicious meal as well cost-effectively prepare products on an industrial scale. GEA's innovative marination equipment brings one of the world's oldest food preparation techniques into today's automated food processing industry. Increased shelf life has evolved into added value, new products creation and increasing profits.

GEA 技术中心 Bakel 团队食品解决方案



想要验证、试验和创新,又没有打扰您的日常生产的风险?我们位于荷兰巴克尔的食品解决方案技术中心就是您不容错过的目的地。 更重要的是 - 我们的大门始终敞开,即使是远程!
360°裹涂 | 全面了解工业规模的食品裹涂

Food Now 在线研讨会

9 月 2 日 星期四 10.00 CEST 或 17.00 CEST / 11:00 EDT

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60 years of Food Processing

Aftermovie 60 years GEA Food Processing

GEA and CIAL Alimentos | Creating quality food that families trust

GEA 洞察


位于波兰科沙林的 GEA 设施树立了卫生泵生产的标杆。该多功能基地将数十年的德国工程专业知识与先进的数字化和可扩展解决方案相结合。这是满足食品、饮料和制药等行业日益增长的需求的大胆举措。

Human hands brought together to form a circle

In for the better: Community engagement at GEA

To support community engagement, GEA offers employees one day of paid time off per year.


如何在管理日益复杂的业务时,引领奶牛场走向下一代,同时确保可持续的未来和动物福利?这是几乎全世界每个奶农都必须考虑的问题。来自荷兰的 Hanenberg 家族选择采用现代技术和数字化来保障他们的未来。Teun 和 Joris Hanenberg 兄弟经营着一家拥有 280 头奶牛的农场。为孩子们未来的农业发展奠定基础是他们投资现代化设备的主要动机。

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