Marination can turn meat, poultry and fish cuts into a succulent basis for a delicious meal as well cost-effectively prepare products on an industrial scale. GEA's innovative marination equipment brings one of the world's oldest food preparation techniques into today's automated food processing industry. Increased shelf life has evolved into added value, new products creation and increasing profits.
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2 毫米盐水注入技术,并受益于精确和准确的盐水分布。GEA AccuJector 专门针对精细肉块(如无骨和带骨鸡肉、牛排、里脊肉及较薄的鱼肉)设计。它具有当今最密集的注射针点阵,可以在产品上留下最少的注射痕迹。
使用 GEA 的 ColdSteam T 更好地解冻和缓化肉类和禽类产品:更快、更安全、更高效并提高整体得率。
GEA MultiCarve 嫩化机是一种配备旋转式刀辊的工业用嫩化机,可增加肉类和家禽类火腿产品的表面积。MultiCarve 嫩化机在盐水注射工艺之后,并在滚揉和蒸煮/烟熏之前使用。该创新系统使每块肉原料都经过适当的嫩化处理,从而生产出高质量的火腿。
得益于 GEA 行业领先的培根和禽类产品的精确盐水注射腌制技术。
60 years of Food Processing
Aftermovie 60 years GEA Food Processing
GEA and CIAL Alimentos | Creating quality food that families trust