
GEA MultiJector

GEA 行业领先的腌制技术对火腿产品进行精确的 3-4 毫米盐水注射。

GEA MultiJector 3-4mm 的主要产品应用

3-4mm OptiFlex 高弹针

GEA MultiJector 3-4mm 注射机 优化的有效注射时间


GEA ScanBrine

GEA ScanBrine

GEA SuperChill

GEA SuperChill

GEA TenderCarve

GEA TenderCarve

GEA ScanMidi - 用于腌制肉类和家禽的滚揉机
GEA ColdSteam T - 工业级解冻技术

GEA ColdSteam T - 改变工业级解冻技术本质

GEA MultiJector 注射机上用于盐水过滤的 GEA ScreenFilter 筛板过滤器

GEA ScreenFilter

GEA MultiJector 注射机—用于盐水过滤的 GEA 转鼓过滤器

GEA 转鼓过滤器



GEA and CIAL Alimentos | Creating quality food that families trust

GEA 洞察


GEA 的创新工艺在生物燃料(如加氢植物油和可持续航空燃料)预处理领域树立了新的里程碑。通过消除漂白工艺,制造商可获得显著的节约潜力:运营成本降低超过 50%,二氧化碳排放量减少高达 12%。

GEA NEXUS 的下一個食品生產時代

氣候變遷和全球人口成長對能源密集的食品產業造成越來越大的壓力,要在不傷害地球的前提下餵飽更多的人,GEA 全球永續發展技術經理 George Shepherd 解釋 GEA 如何運用其工程技術知識,協助加工商在提高生產力的同時,進行更永續的生產。

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.

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