
GEA SuperChill

The GEA SuperChill brine chiller is designed to control brine temperature fluctuations during injection. Constant brine temperature throughout the injection process helps to ensure that the correct amount of brine ingredients is delivered to the product. This also benefits shelf stability and product quality.

GEA SuperChill

非常适合保持卤水所需温度以用于火腿生产、强化产品(如开包即烹产品)和火鸡,GEA SuperChill 可轻松连接到任何 GEA 或其他类型的盐水过滤槽(通过两根管连接)。 该装置还配备脚轮,以增加操作灵活性。 GEA SuperChill 使用 Freon R507/Glycol 制冷剂,包含压缩机、套管式热交换器、循环泵和电子控制系统。

. 在注射期间将稀薄和粘性盐水冷却至 2 到 4°C
. 适合 GEA Food Solutions 和第三方过滤槽
. 装置可轻松转移到所需的位置
. 泵吸作用在盐水过滤槽中产生搅拌效应
. 采用卫生设计,易于触及以进行清洁和检查
. 同时提供无内置压缩机的版本

GEA SuperChill | Brine chiller for optimized injection - detail chiller


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