المخبوزات والحلويات


إن إنتاج الكعك اللذيذ والخفيف وذي الملمس الممتاز هو الهدف الأسمى لأي خباز. وسواء كانت منتجاتك الرائعة عبارة عن كوبكيك أو موفين أو كعك بشكل الرخام، أو كعك محشو أو مصبوب أو مزين فإن GEA توفر المعدات الرائدة في هذه الصناعة، وخطوط الإنتاج والمنشآت الكاملة بنظام تسليم المفتاح، وكلها مصممة لضمان حصول كل منتج نهائي على الملمس والنكهة والشكل الذي تتوقعه أنت وعملاؤك.

Cupcakes and Muffins

Fast paper cup handling, precise mix depositing, gentle baking and accurate decorating are key to enabling the highest production capacity for basic cupcakes and mushroom-shaped muffins made with top quality ingredients.

DSM denester detail

Marbled and two color cakes

Dual colour cakes make a real impact on the eye, and offer almost limitless possibilities. Processing marbled cakes depends on technologies that can deposit precise amounts of different mixes sequentially or simultaneously, without compromising on texture or taste.

bake depositor mo

Molded (or oiled) Cakes

For madeleines, twinkies, animal-shaped and other cakes that are baked directly in molds and indents, an efficient oil sprayer that coats every corner and curve will help to ensure that each product comes out cleanly, even from irregular shaped molds, without tasting of oil.

Decorated Cakes

Decorating technologies offer options for producing individual finishes for special occasion cakes. Improve the look and taste of your cake with a high quality chocolate or whipped cream and decorations to make them stand out from the ordinary.

Topping depositor

Injected Cakes

Accurate and precision technologies for injecting chocolate, cream and other fillings provide opportunities for processing imaginative cupcakes, twinkies and specialty cakes.


Expert support

GEA Bakery Experience Center (BEC)


Get the GEA Cakes brochure.

Bring your cakes production to the next level. In our brochure, you'll discover detailed information about the GEA Cake production technology, including comprehensive technical specifications of the new GEA Bake Depositor MO.


فيديوهات ذات صلة

Butter, love and stainless steel: the perfect biscuit recipe.

Complete processing line for cakes

رؤى GEA

Pre2Fuel: Cleared for takeoff

GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.

الحقبة التالية لإنتاج الغذاء مع GEA NEXUS

يضع تغير المناخ والنمو السكاني العالمي ضغوطًا متزايدة على صناعة الأغذية كثيفة الاستهلاك للطاقة لإطعام المزيد من الناس دون الإضرار بالكوكب، ويشرح جورج شيبرد، مدير تكنولوجيا الاستدامة العالمية في GEA، كيف تستخدم GEA خبرتها الهندسية لمساعدة المعالجات على الإنتاج بشكل أكثر استدامة مع زيادة الإنتاجية.

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.

تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

ابق على تواصل مع ابتكارات وقصص GEA من خلال الاشتراك في النشرات المقدمة من GEA.

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