We begrijpen bij GEA dat u om hoogwaardige, vrijstromende zuivelproducten in poedervorm te produceren, vertrouwt op robuuste, hygiënische componenten en apparatuur, en een veilige, reproduceerbare verwerking. Als producent moet u erop kunnen vertrouwen dat uw processen in iedere fase nauwlettend worden gemonitord en gecontroleerd, om de opbrengst te maximaliseren, afval te reduceren en duurzaamheid te ondersteunen.
En natuurlijk zijn onze apparatuur en procesoplossingen ontworpen om ervoor te zorgen dat uw producten van het begin tot het eind van het proces hun belangrijkste voedingswaarden en functionele eigenschappen, zoals agglomeratie en stabiliteit, behouden. Als u met GEA werkt kunt u erop vertrouwen dat uw installatie de te behalen maximale productie haalt uit fundamentele ingrediënten, met minder knelpunten en vertragingen.
GEA werkt nauw samen met de industrie op zoek naar nieuwe gelegenheden om energie en hulpbronnen te sparen en de ecologische duurzaamheid te verbeteren. We hebben veelzijdige technologieën ontwikkeld, waaronder warmtepompen en proceskritische koelsystemen, die het verbruik van grondstoffen verlagen, afval verminderen en waar mogelijk warmte en water recyclen. In enkele van de grootste door GEA geleverde melkpoederinstallaties voltrekken zich processen waarin het water, dat door verdamping aan de melk wordt onttrokken, vervolgens wordt gefilterd en gerecycled voor gebruik op andere punten in de installatie.
Uiteraard zijn alle technologieën van GEA ontworpen om te voldoen aan de meest recente normen op het gebied van de voedselhygiëne, kwaliteit en veiligheid. Onze duurzame, onderhoudsvriendelijke installaties kunnen grondig en efficiënt worden gereinigd met CIP- (clean-in-place) systemen die besparen op het gebruik van water en reinigingsmiddel, en op die manier de kosten verlagen. Geautomatiseerde reiniging maakt personeel vrij voor andere belangrijke taken en maakt snellere reinigingscycli mogelijk. Tot de gecombineerde voordelen behoren een verhoogde productiviteit met minder vertragingen. Minder stilstandtijd betekent een betere benutting van de installatie, wat uiteindelijk resulteert in een beter rendement van uw investering en lagere totale eigendomskosten. De oplossingen van GEA voorzien bovendien in volledige en transparante traceerbaarheid van grondstoffen en ingrediënten, gedurende het hele proces en in het eindproduct.
Doordat we uw grootste uitdagingen begrijpen, ontwerpen en bieden we geavanceerde componenten, apparatuur en complete lijnen waarvan we geloven dat ze elke fase van uw processen, van de behandeling van melk en dosering van ingrediënten tot de fijnere punten van mengen en sproeidrogen, optimaliseren. U kunt erop vertrouwen dat GEA alles tot in de puntjes verzorgt.
Raw milk, vegetable oils and other liquid ingredients such as whey-based products are stored and are gently and hygienically handled on being received into the plant. Ahead of further formulation, raw milk typically undergoes cream separation with optional subsequent standardization. Besides the continuous control of the standardized milk fat content, the automatic standardization units can also provide a continuous control of the cream fat content and a proportional dosing of additives.
GEA provides a range of technologies to reduce or remove bacteria and spores from liquid ingredients, ensuring sensitive products remain undamaged and the highest levels of microbiological safety are achieved. Pasteurization as traditional heat treatment reduces bacteria and spores, whereas bacteria removal separators and microfiltration remove them.
The HYGiTip is a core element in our complete bag handling and emptying solution. When configured with de-palletizing/outer stripping, sterilization, powder handling, dust collection and waste management, plant operators are able to let this automated solution run continuously with minimal supervision, increasing OEE and enabling personnel to concentrate on other value-added tasks. A typical plant solution may include: de-palletizing, outer bag removal, UV sterilization, automatic bag emptying, powder handling and waste removal.
The addition of Lactose is typically achieved via a standard funnel mixer, following which the product is passed through a holding tube to ensure it is fully dissolved. The mix is then regeneratively cooled before being chilled to <8°C and finally sent to storage. To achieve decoupling of lactose tipping and dosing operations, storage tanks are carefully sized. As an alternative, lactose powder can be dissolved directly into the milk at the standardized milk storage tanks. This process is similar to that employed when the powder is dissolved into water or inline using a vacuum mixer.
As an option, the skimmed milk can be pre-concentrated by RO. The degree of concentration depends on the heat treatment required and end-product characteristics, and must therefore be considered on a specific project basis. The process will run cold at 5-8 °C for up to 20 hours between CIP.
Further heat treatment is applied to the formulated product on the evaporator using a number of different solutions to ensure both stability and microbiological safety. Our low thermophile system, UHT technology, direct steam injection and steam infusion technologies are examples thereof. The product is then further concentrated ahead of being dried using a falling-film evaporator.
In dairy applications it is common for high pressure homogenizers to be used. This is due to their ability to apply dynamic high-pressure energy to break particles in the fluid down to the smallest, potentially nanometer-scale size. As a result of this high pressure homogenization process, an emulsion is created that is stable when the mix is concentrated, dried, packed and resolubilized by the end customer.
For the final removal of moisture to produce a dried powder, a GEA MSD® Spray Dryer is recommended for milk powder. The resulting spray drying process produces consistent, precisely defined functional powders with uniform bulk density and robust agglomerates and that are readily re-dissolved in water. The MSD® benefits from a new CEE cyclone design, which allows customers to maximize fines recovery while minimizing smearing and energy use. Our fines system requires zero intervention and allows fully automated CIP, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring less downtime on the dryer.
Using a GEA Scan-Vibro vibrating screen the dried powder is sifted to remove oversized particles before being gently conveyed to storage using either dense phase conveying or gravity to minimize breakdown of the powder. To minimize interstitial air the powder is drawn under vacuum and is flushed with nitrogen before packing. The result is a powder that has an enhanced shelf life due to its very low residual oxygen content.
For Modified Atmosphere Packing (MAP) into 25kg bags or bulk containers, GEA offer a range of powder filling solutions. To improve overall operational efficiency whilst reducing labor demand, GEA 25kg Limited Intervention (Li) filling machines feature fully automated bag handling. For customers that require a turnkey solution, manual or automated palletizing options are also available for integration.
GEA in-house experts have extensive experience of integrating smart cooling & heating solutions into the complete milk powder process. Customers benefit from lower energy consumption, minimized operating costs, increased sustainability and reduced carbon footprint, in addition to having full confidence in GEA as a trusted partner.
To ensure optimum efficiency and performance, GEA technologies can be configured with full automation. For example, the GEA Codex® solution delivers full and transparent traceability of both raw material and ingredients throughout the entire process and into the final product.
Weergegeven 4 van 41
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The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.