Indulge in the timeless delight of cooked ham! Discover the secrets behind premium slices—precise production, natural ingredients, and seamless integration for optimal taste and convenience.
Quality depends on mastering the entire production process, from defrosting to marinating and curing. Meeting demands for healthier ingredients and managing rising costs is crucial. GEA offers cost-saving solutions with expertise in marination and integrated downstream operations like cooking, smoking, freezing, slicing, and packing. GEA ensures consistent quality through comprehensive process knowledge.
Exceptionally high number of injection points with unique 2mm OptiFlex material improves brine distribution, prevents bent or broken needles, bone or skin damage and needle marks.
Slicer blades with optimized geometry and GEA ResystRed/ ResystGold coating for an even smoother, more accurate cut.
Evolving from hand-cut chunks of chicken breast to formed poultry filet mix, either fry-cooked to cook-fried, during production manufacturers continuously look for consistent product quality, maximum yield, food safety and attractive appearance. But how to achieve this? If you really wants to go for the so-called ‘golden standard’ nugget, you need to excel in every stage of the production process, starting from the ingredients and their preparation, moving to forming and tempura mixing, up to cooking, frying, freezing and packaging. With all the know-how about the tempura application, built up over the past 50 years, GEA is the partner to go for gold.
The way in which the product is mixed is critical to the success of the forming process. Through many years of developing mixing technology GEA has perfected the process. By measuring the torque within the GEA ProMix as the product is chilled, GEA engineers can help customers to hit the optimum level of chilling every time, taking the guess work away and allowing the GEA MaxiFormer to run continuously for many hours without clogging. If customers experience difficulties in getting the mix right, GEA Food Technologists will work with them, until it’s perfect.
'It's all in the mix' also applies on the tempura batter mix as consistent tempura viscosity is essential for optimizing pick-up, therefore avoiding give-away and ensuring crunchiness of the product. With GEA TempuMixer II manufacturers can achieve that.
GEA frying equipment helps you achieve crisp, crunchy and golden-colored nuggets. The formed and coated nuggets are flash fried in GEA EasyFry to stabilize the coating and give color. Designed to meet the highest safety standard, the fryer features low oil consumption, self-supportive oil filtration and recipe control and with our oil management solutions you can extend your oil lifespan up to 5 times!
During cooking the goal is to fully cook the product to guarantee food safety and to achieve the desired yield and juiciness of the end-product. The flash-fried nuggets go through GEA CookStar three-phase spiral oven, where steam and heat is added. Steam has a lot of latent heat and is therefore very effective to transfer energy into the nugget. Due to the higher humidity less moist is lost, therefore achieving higher yields.
Mixing, forming, coating, frying, cooking, freezing and packaging, GEA can supply the complete automated tempura coated nugget line
GEA installed the first fully automated chicken nugget line at Danpo A/S in Denmark, leader in fully cooked chicken products. On this line they produce a range of chicken nuggets under its ‘Your Chicken’ brand. The line includes the GEA MaxiFormer at its heart, providing high-quality nuggets in a fully automatic, high production process, using the minimum of labor. Watch the video to see how they grind, mix, coat, cook, fry, freeze and pack chicken nuggets day in, day out with only 2 operators.
Отображение 4 из 4
Введение рассола может повысить прибыль и позволяет разрабатывать различные продукты, которые понравятся вашим клиентам, независимо от того, работаете ли вы с красным мясом, свининой, птицей или рыбой.
Whether you defrost, melt or thaw using a refrigerator, heating your product or add cold water. It is very hard to control the way your product is reacting and you usually need long time frames to do it.
Ровный цвет, приятные вкусовые ощущения, идеальная текстура и великолепный вкус. Размягчение (тендеризация) помогает достичь идеальных результатов в производстве ветчины.
Efficiency, hygiene, sustainability, safety and reliability are the key benefits of GEA thermoforming packaging systems. Besides the adaptable thermoforming packaging machines, GEA develops labeling, marking and automation equipment.
Другие приложения
Better defrosting and tempering of meat products with GEA's ColdSteam T: it's faster, safer, more efficient and improves overall yield.
Perfect mixing from light brines up to heavy marinades. GEA MixMaster brine and marinade preparation system offers controlled and efficient mixing with the flexibility to adapt to meet specific application needs. Its functionality is essential for downstream processes, in use with injectors, massagers/tumblers and mixers.
When you produce ham, brine injection can help you add flavor, juiciness and optimize shelf life while increasing yield. It gives food processors more opportunities to variate in product development, answering to market trends and extending portfolio offer.
An even color, a pleasing mouth feel, perfect texture and excellent taste. These are the benefits of marination that add value to your products, and tenderizing helps achieve perfect results. Tenderizing also promotes binding, increases yield and improves color in ham production. GEA has a tenderizing solution based on rotating knife rollers.
Tumbling or massaging optimizes product quality and the consistency of the marinating process. It ensures even brine distribution and softens the structure of the meat to extract maximum value from your product.
Slicing ham products in the most efficient way? Maximize product utilization, optimize output, improved yield and reduced give-away are some of your demands. Our slicing machines are reliable as you can count on, flexible as you need and easy to operate and maintain.
Loading of shingle, stack, zig zag, shaved, interleaved or any contour portions in a most efficient way? Our efficient loading systems feed the portions fully automatically from the slicer to a thermoformer, traysealer or horizontal flowpacker. Furthermore we can provide semi-automatic loading systems as well.
Packaging plays a key role in ensuring quality and hygiene throughout the food supply chain, from production to the consumer. GEA develops thermoforming packaging machines, labeling, marking and automation equipment to meet the high demands of food manufacturers.
One smooth process from beginning to end
Aftermovie GEA Pre-IFFA event
Enhancing premium ham production with GEA
GEA DualSlicer Ham Application
Изменение климата и растущее население планеты оказывают повышенное давление на энергоемкую пищевую промышленность, чтобы накормить больше людей и при этом не нанести вред планете. Джордж Шеперд, менеджер по глобальной технической устойчивости компании GEA, объясняет, как компания GEA использует свои инженерные ноу-хау, чтобы помочь переработчикам производить продукцию более устойчиво и при этом повысить производительность.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
Каждый безопасный для употребления напиток и пищевой продукт — это победа над невидимыми микробными угрозами — борьба, которая ведется в течение уже ста лет разработки и проектирования технологических процессов, отвечающих требованиям гигиенических норм. Обладая более чем 100-летним опытом и уникальными знаниями в области проектирования и гигиенического проектирования, компания GEA устанавливает отраслевые стандарты для технологического оборудования, задачей которого является защита продуктов питания и спасение жизней людей.