Heating & refrigeration

Sustainable solutions for a world of applications

Refrigeration & heating
GEA Industrial Refrigeration Solutions - GEA Piston Compressor Packages at a Processing Facility

GEA Industrial Refrigeration Solutions - GEA Piston Compressor Packages at a Processing Facility

GEA's Sustainable Engineering Solutions

NEXUS - GEA's Holistic Engineering Solutions

Heat to Cool - Using heat pumps to cool our warming planet

Heat to cool our planet for generations to come

Heating & refrigeration

Kids drinking milk

Aurivo entrusts in GEA

Aurivo, Ireland’s second largest liquid milk processor, has cut CO2 emissions at its Killygordon site by 80%, thanks to GEA’s integrated milk processing and refrigeration & heat pump system.

GEA heat pump plant installed at Mars, the Netherlands

GEA's energy-saving heat pump solution for Mars, Inc.

Mars reduces OPEX and carbon footprint with GEA industrial heat pumps. Holistic engineering solutions for food, beverage and dairy processes.


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GEA Insights

Feeding the future: The power of freeze-drying innovation

Waste reduction is important to us at GEA, and by harnessing the power of freeze drying technology, we can transform surplus food into valuable, long-lasting products – helping to reduce waste, extend shelf life and build a more resilient food supply for generations to come.

GEA and Pulmuone honor generations of cold noodle craftsmanship

When plant-forward South Korean food producer Pulmuone brought GEA the challenge of developing a modern spin on the traditional chewy cold (naengmyeon) noodle, GEA’s R&D experts were up to the challenge. They helped develop what is now a commercial hit produced with less water and electricity than previously existing methods. The result is also true to the traditional origins of the dish as well as Pulmuone’s health, well-being and sustainability roots.

GEA's water warriors

In the global campaign for water security, GEA water-conserving and water treatment solutions are driving the effort to reduce water use, waste and pollution – one factory, one farm and one city at a time.

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