Prodotti da forno
GEA Bakery designs, configures and installs high-capacity, customizable and complete production lines for crackers. From ingredient mixing to the baking phase, GEA technologies cover the entire crackers prduction process to ensure that the final product has the perfect structure, taste and crunchiness.
GEA technology expertise allows us to develop bakery equipment that ensures the quality and consistency of the final product, with production capacities ranging from 500 to 200 kg/h. Our tailor-made solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of cracker manufacturers, with a variety of shapes and textures for cracker products.
Elevate your cracker and hard biscuit production facility with GEA cutting-edge machinery designed for unparalleled performance and efficiency. Inside our brochure, you'll find detailed specifications and performance metrics for each machine, guiding you towards optimal decision-making and enhanced productivity. Discover how our technology can help you streamline your manufacturing processes, achieve consistent quality, and meet the growing demand for delicious and crunchy crackers and hard biscuits.
Our carefully designed mixing and Dough Feeding systems ensure consistent quality and repeatable downstream processing. Each system can be configured to handle different dough textures and match available space and plant layout. GEA's technologies can include ground-level tub-lifting, tilting systems, or pocket rollers for direct portioning of the dough.
GEA Bakery sheeting lines guarantee consistent, uniform, and stress-free sheeting that leads to perfectly baked crackers. Our baking technologies can handle different viscosities of dough, high volumes, and high precision in molding. With modular forming units, our lines can be tailored to meet any processing or production requirement, from versatile cut and sheet lamination systems to rotary systems for embossing and cutting.
GEA tunnel ovens can be equipped with direct gas fired systems, or with direct or indirect convections. Hybrid ovens play a fundamental role in the baking process: they allow to choose different types of heating systems that ensure great flexibility of the process. Different baking profiles can be easily processed in the same ovens, where several windows are placed for direct inspections fo the product during each stage of baking.
Moreover, GEA Bakery recognizes that efficiency and speed are crucial factors in the current bakery industry landscape. To support customers in streamlining their production processes and minimizing downtime, we offer preassembled module solutions with the GEA Bakery Plug&Play ovens. This approach helps to overcome complexities during installation and ensures that your bakery equipment is up and running in the shortest possible time.
Flexibility is key to meeting market trends that are subject to continuous changes in tastes. GEA offers customizable and high-precision baking machinery that ensures control of the final product, reduced checking effects, improved crunchiness, texture, and uniformity.
Our modular forming units can be configured to match your baking plant's layout while maintaining high-quality materials and adhering to reliability, hygiene, speed, and product handling control standards.
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Il processo di cottura è una fase fondamentale per il colore, la consistenza e il sapore di ogni tipo di prodotto da forno.
La produzione di biscotti e cracker a pasta dura di alta qualità si basa su una precisa tecnologia di laminazione
L’alimentazione della pasta è la prima fase nella manifattura di prodotti di alta qualità
Soluzioni di raffreddamento e congelamento senza ghiaccio per prodotti da forno
Altre applicazioni
Butter, love and stainless steel: the perfect biscuit recipe.
L'innovativo processo di GEA segna una svolta fondamentale nel pretrattamento dei biocombustibili, come l'olio vegetale idrotrattato e il carburante sostenibile per l'aviazione. L'eliminazione del processo di sbiancamento offre ai produttori un notevole potenziale di risparmio: oltre il 50% in meno di costi operativi e fino al 12% in meno di emissioni di CO2.
Il cambiamento climatico e la crescita della popolazione mondiale mettono sotto pressione l'industria alimentare, che consuma molta energia, per nutrire più persone senza impattare ulteriormente sul pianeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager di GEA, spiega come GEA utilizzi il proprio know-how ingegneristico per aiutare le aziende di trasformazione a produrre in modo più sostenibile, aumentando al contempo la produttività.