

As pizzas frescas e congeladas vêm em diferentes formatos e numa ampla gama de tamanhos. Tenha a massa fina ou grossa, seja de estilo italiano ou americano, nossas pizzas familiares preferidas são cobertas com uma camada de molho de tomate e imaginativas combinações de queijos, carnes, legumes, ervas e especiarias.

As tecnologias usadas para dosear coberturas de pizza dependem do tipo de pizza e seus ingredientes. Molho de tomate, carne, legumes e queijo podem ser adicionadas antes ou depois de assar as bases de pizza. A GEA oferece uma linha de cobertura de pizza modular que inclui unidades individuais para doseamento do molho de tomate e ingredientes em cubinhos para coberturas de pizzas redondas ou quadradas de qualquer tamanho. Nossas tecnologias eficientes e de alta qualidade conferem um autêntico aspecto artesanal à cada pizza.

Pizzas com cobertura delimitada 

Comumente conhecidas como pizzas de estilo italiano, elas apresentam uma borda sem cobertura. Estas pizzas são cobertas através de um sistema de máscara para evitar que a cobertura seja depositada até a borda. 

Target-topped Pizzas

Commonly known as Italian style, they have a free edge that is kept bare of topping. These pizzas are topped using a mask system to prevent the topping from being deposited right up to the edge.

Waterfall-topped Pizzas

Very liked especially by children, these American-style pizzas have no free edge around the base. The tomato sauce and other toppings are often added using a waterfall depositor.

Balancing tomato distribution for consistent quality

The distribution of tomato on pizza is a crucial step in the preparation process, affecting not only the flavor but also the aesthetic appearance of the finished product. Modern technologies offer several options for this crucial process. Among them, the use of waterfall deposit units allows an even distribution of the tomato, ensuring homogeneous coverage over the entire surface of the pizza.

However, for faster and more precise application, spray depositing systems can be used, which are ideal for high-speed production lines. For even greater precision, volumetric depositors can be used, allowing precise dosing of the amount of tomato on each pizza, ensuring equal distribution. To replicate the effect of traditional distribution with a pizza chef's spoon, our tomato speading units with rotating brush devices distribute the tomato uniformly over the pizza base, giving it an authentic, traditional appearance. 
Pizza technologies for varied culinary demands

Pizza is an enduring culinary favorite, cherished globally for its versatility and ability to accommodate a vast array of toppings, catering to diverse palates and cultural preferences. Within the realm of pizza production, the quest for perfection extends beyond flavor to include the precise and efficient application of toppings.

Technologies designed for pizza topping depositing play a pivotal role in ensuring consistency, minimizing waste, and upholding stringent hygiene standards across production lines. These innovations are indispensable in meeting the burgeoning demand for pizza while adhering to the highest quality and safety standards, thus contributing to the continued enjoyment of this beloved dish worldwide.


Expert support

GEA Bakery Experience Center (BEC)

At the GEA Bakery Experience Centers (BEC) in Italy, our process and food technology experts work with customers to test and optimize existing and new recipes and production processes. A wide range of processing equipment and systems is available, including mixers, depositors, filling machines, pizza topping machines, ovens and packaging equipment. The BEC also test all machines that leave the factory, prior to delivery to our customers.

Get the GEA Pizza brochure.

Elevate your pizza production facility with precision and efficiency using GEA's cutting-edge machinery. Access our brochure for comprehensive insights into each machine's specifications and performance metrics, facilitating informed decision-making and heightened productivity.

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Refrigeração e aquecimento para processamentos alimentícios

Refrigeração e aquecimento para processamentos alimentícios

Satisfazendo suas necessidades de temperaturas precisas - naturalmente

At GEA, allowing the development of new projects is our daily challenge. We can help you to design bespoke production processes, to analyze raw materials, to shape new formats, to test your products, and more. Share your project with GEA experts: it will be a pleasure to offer our expertise to improve your business.


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