Juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside! Achieve the golden standard tempura coated product; from ingredient preparation to forming, cooking, frying, freezing, and packaging with GEA expertise.
Evolving from hand-cut chunks of chicken breast to formed poultry filet mix, either fry-cooked to cook-fried, during production manufacturers continuously look for consistent product quality, maximum yield, food safety and attractive appearance. But how to achieve this? If you really wants to go for the so-called ‘golden standard’ nugget, you need to excel in every stage of the production process, starting from the ingredients and their preparation, moving to forming and tempura mixing, up to cooking, frying, freezing and packaging. With all the know-how about the tempura application, built up over the past 50 years, GEA is the partner to go for gold.
The way in which the product is mixed is critical to the success of the forming process. Through many years of developing mixing technology GEA has perfected the process. By measuring the torque within the GEA ProMix as the product is chilled, GEA engineers can help customers to hit the optimum level of chilling every time, taking the guess work away and allowing the GEA MaxiFormer to run continuously for many hours without clogging. If customers experience difficulties in getting the mix right, GEA Food Technologists will work with them, until it’s perfect.
'It's all in the mix' also applies on the tempura batter mix as consistent tempura viscosity is essential for optimizing pick-up, therefore avoiding give-away and ensuring crunchiness of the product. With GEA TempuMixer II manufacturers can achieve that.
GEA frying equipment helps you achieve crisp, crunchy and golden-colored nuggets. The formed and coated nuggets are flash fried in GEA EasyFry to stabilize the coating and give color. Designed to meet the highest safety standard, the fryer features low oil consumption, self-supportive oil filtration and recipe control and with our oil management solutions you can extend your oil lifespan up to 5 times!
During cooking the goal is to fully cook the product to guarantee food safety and to achieve the desired yield and juiciness of the end-product. The flash-fried nuggets go through GEA CookStar three-phase spiral oven, where steam and heat is added. Steam has a lot of latent heat and is therefore very effective to transfer energy into the nugget. Due to the higher humidity less moist is lost, therefore achieving higher yields.
Mixing, forming, coating, frying, cooking, freezing and packaging, GEA can supply the complete automated tempura coated nugget line
GEA installed the first fully automated chicken nugget line at Danpo A/S in Denmark, leader in fully cooked chicken products. On this line they produce a range of chicken nuggets under its ‘Your Chicken’ brand. The line includes the GEA MaxiFormer at its heart, providing high-quality nuggets in a fully automatic, high production process, using the minimum of labor. Watch the video to see how they grind, mix, coat, cook, fry, freeze and pack chicken nuggets day in, day out with only 2 operators.
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O know-how para cozinhar um produto e a compreensão dos princípios de cozimento são a base para a arte de cozinhar. Os Fornos GEA lhe ajudam a atender a cadeia alimentar com alimentos atrativos, saudáveis e inovadores.
Almôndegas, anéis de cebola, assados... com a formadora da GEA quase não há limite para formas e tamanhos que você pode criar.
Seus produtos fritos precisam ser crocantes e dourados. A GEA Food ajuda você a obter os resultados perfeitos com uma variedade de soluções para fritura.
Revolutionize your food processing line with GEA Batch2Flow. Automatically transport and form meat mixtures efficiently. Save space, energy, and boost hygiene.
Grinding meat for poultry mixes is important to make high-quality poultry products. This process involves breaking down fresh or frozen meat into smaller, uniform pieces, making it easier to mix with other ingredients and ensuring consistency in the final product.
To achieve optimal results in poultry grinding, reliable and efficient equipment is essential. GEA's industrial food grinding equipment, such as the PowerGrind, is designed for both coarse and fine grinding of fresh and frozen meat. Its modularity allows for easy customization and adaptability to various production needs. The hygienic design ensures high food safety standards, while robust construction guarantees reliable performance and long-lasting durability.
The way in which the product is mixed is critical to the success of the forming process. Through many years of developing mixing technology GEA has perfected the process. By measuring the torque within the GEA ProMix as the product is chilled, GEA engineers can help customers to hit the optimum level of chilling every time, taking the guess work away and allowing the GEA MaxiFormer to run continuously for many hours without clogging.
Forming is essential for creating high-quality poultry products. This process shapes ground poultry into consistent portions, ensuring an appealing look, and precise weight control.
To achieve optimal results, utilizing advanced equipment such as GEA's MaxiFormer is essential. The MaxiFormer uses patented drum forming technology to handle poultry, pork, and plant-based products efficiently. It ensures consistent portion control, optimal belt usage, and high output with minimal waste.
Coating poultry tempura nuggets with flour is an important process to achieve a crispy texture and appealing look. This process involves applying a uniform layer of flour to the nuggets, which helps in creating the perfect tempura coating.
To achieve the best results, you need efficient and precise equipment like GEA's OptiFlour. The GEA OptiFlour is a dust-free flour applicator that ensures accurate and even coating. It works with GEA OptiAir to maintain a clean, dust-free environment. This system prevents flour waste and ensures consistent coating by automatically adjusting the flour pick-up and removing excess flour.
Cooking predusted products at a lower temperature enhances food safety, yield, and juiciness while reducing energy consumption. This process also results in a tastier, crispier, and healthier product with less oil absorption.
With our GEA's CookStar you can achieve the results. The CookStar features a unique three-phase cooking concept in a double spiral oven. Its patented design combines horizontal and impingement airflow, providing excellent cooking efficiency and superior product quality compared to traditional ovens.
Coating poultry tempura nuggets with flour is an important process to achieve a crispy texture and appealing look. This process involves applying a uniform layer of flour to the nuggets, which helps in creating the perfect tempura coating.
To achieve the best results, you need efficient and precise equipment like GEA's OptiFlour. The GEA OptiFlour is a dust-free flour applicator that ensures accurate and even coating. It works with GEA OptiAir to maintain a clean, dust-free environment. This system prevents flour waste and ensures consistent coating by automatically adjusting the flour pick-up and removing excess flour.
Creating crispy tempura-coated products requires precise mixing and application. GEA's TempuMixer II and TempuDipper offer advanced solutions to achieve this.
The GEA TempuMixer II is a fully automatic, recipe-controlled tempura batter mixer that uses gentle vortex mixing. It ensures consistent, high-quality tempura batter, reducing waste and ingredient consumption. This mixer sets the industry standard for product quality, crispiness, and efficiency. The GEA TempuDipper is a cost-efficient tempura applicator with a proven, easy-to-operate design. It allows for quick manual adjustments to apply smooth and consistent tempura coverage to various product shapes and styles.
Frying is essential for creating the golden-standard tempura-coated nuggets, providing the crisp, crunchy texture and golden color that make them so appealing. Proper frying stabilizes the coating and enhances the overall flavor and presentation of the nuggets.
To achieve these results, you need reliable and efficient frying equipment like GEA’s ProFry. The GEA ProFry flash fries the formed and coated nuggets, ensuring the coating is stabilized and the color is perfect. Designed to meet the highest safety standards, the fryer features low oil consumption, self-supporting oil filtration, and precise recipe control. Additionally, with GEA’s oil management solutions, you can extend your oil lifespan up to 5 times, making the process more cost-effective and sustainable.
Freezing tempura-coated nuggets after frying and before packaging is essential for preserving their quality, texture, and flavor, while extending their shelf life and ensuring they remain delicious for consumers.
Proper packaging is crucial for maintaining the quality of tempura-coated nuggets, ensuring they stay fresh and appealing.
GEA's SmartPacker CX400 is an advanced packaging machine designed for high capacity and flexibility. It handles various bag styles and sizes, producing up to 120 bags per minute. The innovative GEA Smart Sealing System minimizes downtime and reduces costs by eliminating frequent tape replacements, ensuring reliable sealing and enhancing overall efficiency.
First fully automated chicken nuggets line installed at Danpo
GEA - MaxiFormer
GEA Batch2Flow in action
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
El cambio climático y el aumento de la población mundial ejercen una presión cada vez mayor sobre la industria alimentaria, que consume mucha energía, para alimentar a más personas sin afectar aún más al planeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager de GEA, explica cómo GEA utiliza sus conocimientos de ingeniería para ayudar a los procesadores a producir de forma más sostenible y, al mismo tiempo, aumentar la productividad.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.