Industrial effluents


Large volumes of fresh water have to be used in the numerous stages of the wine-making process for the necessary cleaning of transport vehicles, storage tanks, wine casks, filter installations and bottles. The cellars themselves also have to be cleaned. This results in waste water with a high organic load consisting of vine leaves, stems, vermin, dirt and yeast. This mixture very quickly starts to ferment, which means that clarification is essential. The use of centrifugal separation technology from GEA is very beneficial not only to maintain hygiene but also to reduce costs.

Economical and environmentally friendly

Mechanical separation of solids is an optimum and cost-effective method of cleaning wash water. After straining and biological pre-clarification in activation tanks, the thickened residual sludge is efficiently dewatered by decanters, and the volume of the sludge is reduced; the discharged solids are of a free flowing consistency and can be disposed of inexpensively.

The treated water can be recycled into the cleaning cycle or discharged into the sewerage system in an environmentally friendly manner: the volume of fresh water consumed is reduced, resources are used efficiently and energy costs are lowered. In this way, GEA unburdens the vintner and helps to conserve the earth on which the good wine grew. 

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