Industrial effluents


Tanneries belong to industrial sectors with the highest levels of water consumption. To make good quality leather from one ton of raw material, experience has shown that up to 60 m³ of water are required. The volume of waste water, which contains high levels of alkaline and organic substances, is, of course, correspondingly high. Direct discharge or treatment in municipal waste water clarification plants is therefore not possible. For corresponding waste water treatment in tanneries, GEA decanter centrifuges are used which optimally prepare a subsequent biological treatment.

High volume of waste water

In leather production water is not only needed for transportation in the production process but also for various tasks such as unhairing or soaking the hides. As a result of the specific production methods, the waste water not only has high alkaline levels (pH value 10), but is also contaminated with chemicals such as sulfite and chrome, and has a high level of organic substances. Biochemical processing of the waste water is a standard operation in many installations and GEA decanters lay a significant role.

Forwarding the waste water to municipal waste water treatment plants

After the waste water has been collected from the tanning process and polymer has been added, the decanters continuously separate all organic solids such as hair from the thickened sludge. The separated solids can be composted and find application, for example, in horticulture or forestry. The liquid phase is then subjected to biological treatment. The resultant sludge is recycled into the dewatering process; the waste water can be sent safely to conventional municipal waste water treatment plants. The advantages of decanters provide optimum dewatering capacity and use very little rinsing water. The closed system prevents aerosols from escaping; such aerosols would otherwise pose a hazard for humans and the environment.

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