
Keiner weiß mehr über Sprühtrocknung als wir bei GEA. Unser Know-how hat sich im Laufe von nahezu einem Jahrhundert angesammelt. In diesem Zeitraum haben wir weltweit über 10.000 GEA Trockneranlagen konstruiert und geliefert und noch viel mehr Tests für Kunden durchgeführt.

Ein GEA Sprühtrockner wird individuell konstruiert, um den spezifischen Kundenanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Unser enormes Wissen auf dem Gebiet Trocknen, unsere Kompetenz und unsere Technologie stehen Ihnen voll und ganz zur Verfügung. Gemeinsam sind wir in der Lage, Ihre Ideen zu verwirklichen und hochwertige Pulver zu erzeugen, die darauf abgestimmt sind, Ihre speziellen Anforderungen bezüglich der Eigenschaften als auch der präzisen Merkmale zu erfüllen.

Wir halten Wort und Termine! Jedes Jahr betreuen wir Hunderte von Projekte und bieten Ihnen daher eine unerreichte Erfahrung bei der Leitung Ihres Projektes – vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag! Und wir schließen das Projekt termingerecht ab und erfüllen alle Leistungsindikatoren (KPIs). Unterschiedliche Branchen haben unterschiedliche Anforderungen; daher muss jede einzelne industrielle Anlage die branchenspezifischen Standards, Praktiken und Verhaltenskodizes erfüllen. Lesen Sie mehr über unsere maßgeschneiderten Lösungen für

  • chemische Produkte
  • Lebensmittel und Molkereiprodukte
  • pharmazeutische Produkte
  • Anlagen für F&E und Produktentwicklung

GEA OptiPartner Prozessoptimierung

GEA OptiPartner

GEA OptiPartner combines GEA’s process know-how with operational expertise to optimize the productivity of spray drying plants for powder production.
Machen Sie pflanzliche Proteine zu Ihrem Business

Plant-based proteins

Make plant proteins your business

GEA NIRO MSD spray dryer

Industrial spray dryers

Our fully customizable and highly reliable spray dryers deliver quality powders that enable you to meet your customers’ needs today and tomorrow.

Small scale spray drying

Pilot plant spray dryers

GEA's range of pilot & small scale spray dryers are designed specifically for R&D, product development and for production in small volumes.

Spray drying test facilities

Spray drying test center

An unparalleled range of equipment, expertise and support for designing and testing drying processes for foods, beverages, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

Solutions for spray dried dairy powders, food ingredients, pharmaceuticals, instant coffee and chemicals.

Regulatory requirements differ between industries, so every GEA NIRO® industrial spray drying plant must adhere to industry-specific standards, practices, and codes of conduct. We provide specialized spray drying solutions for the dairy and food ingredients industry, the pharmaceutical industry, instant coffee production, and the chemical industry.


Spray dryer upgrades and services

GEA offers a suite of expert services, including dairy spray dryer audits, training, and tailored system upgrades. We’ll work with you to select the best solutions for your spray drying plant and business. GEA service solutions can help you to increase plant availability and productivity, and improve sustainability,  while ensuring that your spray drying operations are safe, efficient, and resource responsible.

Safety in spray drying

GEA NIRO MSD® spray drying chamber.

Efficiency & quality in spray drying

Inspection of the spray drying process.


The GEA AddCool® pilot plant.

Availability: safety & 24/7 production in spray drying

GEA’s spray dryer safety upgrades are designed to help ensure continuous and safe operations. Our explosion protection for spray dryers includes advanced systems such as SPRAYEYE® and COTECTOR®, which actively monitor and reduce fire risks. Through safety audits for spray drying plants, we assess potential hazards and review zoning to keep your facility compliant and operational around the clock.

Productivity: increasing efficiency & quality in spray drying

GEA expertise in spray dryer optimization and options for upgrading capacity can give your plant a real boost in productivity. GEA OptiPartner provides real-time monitoring to improve spray dryer efficiency, while our CEE cyclone and HotSwirl technologies can increase yield and enhance process control. For plants needing more output, we offer spray dryer rebuild and upgrade services and options that can increase capacity without the need for a complete system overhaul. The SANICIP® II bag filter and No Intervention Fines Return System (NIFRS) reduce product loss and can improve final powder quality. 

Sustainability: energy-efficiency upgrades for spray dryers

GEA offers spray dryer upgrades that improve energy efficiency and so support more sustainable spray drying. Our AddCool® heat pump technology captures waste heat to reduce overall energy draw, often cutting the need for fossil fuel-powered boilers. We also offer comprehensive energy audits for spray drying plants, helping to identify opportunities for minimizing resource use. Our OptiPartner automation platform monitors and adjusts the spray drying plant’s operating parameters to help optimize productivity and achieve the best energy and resource efficiency in support of more sustainable processing.

Gasper Calandrino, director of engineering, MMPA

Michigan Milk Producers

GEA OptiPartner improves spray dryer performance at MMPA.

Yili production site


Yili-GEA partnership supports innovation for safe, future-focused manufacturing

Luigi Vallifuoco, ICAI CEO


A spray dryer partnership focused on safety and the environment

Valfoo cofounder Oliver Krayl (left) and Cremo Plant Manager Edgar Fasel.

Valfoo / Cremo

Ambitious project develops spray drying process for lactoferrin

Strategic partnership between Mokate Group and GEA


The largest FILTERMAT® unit in Poland used for hot drinks and nutritional supplements

Seagarden: fresh from the sea


FSD® spray dryer used for fish-based hydrolyzed collagen peptide products

Working with Arla Foods to produce better food for our children

Arla Foods

Producing the highest quality infant nutrition ingredients

Danone Nutricia plant at Cuijk, in the Netherlands


Delivering solutions for sustainable baby formula manufacturing

The essence of a flavor factory

Mother Murphy’s

The essence of a flavor factory

optipartner facility


GEA OptiPartner improves DMK-Zeven plant

AmulFed plant


Asia's largest skim milk powder plant

GEA OptiPartner process optimization

Sprühtrocknung, optimiert

OptiPartners Integration von fortschrittlichen Algorithmen und menschlicher Expertise hat zu bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen geführt, einschließlich einer Stabilitätssteigerung von bis zu 80 %, einer Produktionssteigerung von 10 % und einer Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs um 10 %.

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CFD in the context of spray drying

GEA CONTA dual block valve system

GEA No Intervention Fines Return System


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